Visit Tainan Xinhua

October 10th,2014

We went south to the place Yang Kui was born and raised in, Xinhua. Xinhua is Yang Kui's hometown. He witnessed an anti-Japan revolution in this place. And this incident provoked his awareness of nation and motivated him to join social movements.

Yang Kui Literature Memorial

There is a road called Yang Kui Literature Road in Xinhua. The starting point of Yang Kui Literature Road is Yang Kui Literature Memorial, which used to be a deserted government's office.

The establishment of Yang Kui Literature Memorial owes much to Mr. Kang. Because of his effort and enthusiasm to conserve those vital Taiwanese culture, Yang Kui Literature Memorial was finally built up. Yang Kui Literature Memorial collected a lot of his manuscripts' copy files and his life appliances. There is lots of precious information saved in the memorial.Every month, some volunteers will come and perform the story of Yang Kui to help tourists know better this great local character.

Yang Kui Literature Road

The first stop of Yang Kui Literature Road is his childhood activity center. The second stop is a place he and his friend lived in. The third stop is Celebrity Road, where Yang Kui and his wife were caught at their wedding, and were forced to walk with leg irons. Yang Kui called it an official honeymoon treated by the Japan government. The fourth stop is Xinhua Elementary School. There are Yang Kui Literature Hallway ,Yang Kui Memorial Statue. The fifth stop is Xinhua Senior High School. Artist Laijia Hong created the bronze of "marathon toward the future" in memory of Yang Kui's spirit.