The Rhythm Band

Children are given maracas, tambourines, bells, rhythm sticks and other idiophones with which to beat out a simple rhythm.

The purpose and meaning of a rhythm band

1.To develop children’s sense of rhythm

Rhythm is one of the most import elements of music. It’s believed that playing the rhythm instruments is one of the most effective ways to train children’s sense of rhythm.

2. To train children’s ability to play musical instruments together

Playing the rhythm instruments can help children to develop their sensitivity to the tunes, volumes, and performances of other music instrument and chorus.

3.To inspire children in music

The suitable players and timing of a rhythm band

1.Rhythm bands are usually found in nursery schools, kindergartens and first of second years of elementary schools.

Children can play these music instruments along with singing or rhythmic movements.

2. Rhythm bands sometimes can be played by fourth graders to six graders.

Mostly, they were played to accompany singing.

3. Rhythm bands can be played in extra curriculum activities.

Cultivate children’s nature of melody
Train children’s ability of ensemble
Suitable for the students in elementary school to learn