The Extravaganza of Classical and Samba Lion Dance
Website Map The Origin Learning Performances Ambassadors Interview Questionnaire Activities Narrative
Classical Lion Dance
Township Mayor Inauguration Ceremony Performance
Community Temple Fair Performance
Community Athletic Games Performance
The Samba Lion
Community Art Parade Performance
Performing at the Xiluo Cultural Festival
Community Athletic Games Performance
The Samba Lion – Community Art Parade Performance
Eagerly joining the street parade
Headmaster and dean leading us in street parade
Just look how high our spirits are


  On November 20th, 2010, the Sijhou Township Office held the “Community Art Parade” street parade, and our school took part in the event with the headmaster and dean leading our Samba lion dance troupe.

  We gathered at the Township Office, where we listened to the Mayor make a speech, then we started on the parade that went on for almost two kilometers, but we weren’t worried about the distance. We were all so excited with our masks on, and instruments in hand, that we never even noticed the fatigue, and whenever we came to a crossroads or the procession made a stop, we immediately danced and performed, eager to showcase the results of our hard work to the people of Sijhou Township.

  People noticed us because of our peculiar costumes. Many people asked to take their pictures with us, and we said yes to each and every one. The spectators were most curious about our lion masks, noting the uniqueness of a mask made from cardboard boxes and dried straw. We were the only ones that knew 6 weeks of hard work went into our masks, but however long it took, everything was worth it as long as we could see the wonder in people’s eyes.

  The parade continued on and on until we reached the woodland park of Sijhou, our final stop. Although we were drenched in sweat and our legs were aching, we were still highly excited. The headmaster and dean both completed the entire parade with us, and at the very last we performed with members of Zunliao Community, after which we finally wrapped things up and ended a fulfilling day filled with fun and excitement.


The dance troupe alking along the streets of Sijhou
Performing in the woodland park
Passing through winding alleys