Frog's Classroom Volunteers Trainers Efforts Vision Frog's ChAllenge Research Yu-Tsai Frogs Narrative
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How did your activities and research for this International Schools CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

By completing the project, we've had to integrate virtually all disciplines of knowledge. In the area of language, we used the internet to search for information, learned to how to design a questionnaire, how to type up results, how to write a progress report etc. In our guiding activities, we had to use our listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. In the area of math, we used Excel to analyze the results of our questionnaires. In the area of social studies, we gained experience of the hard-work that the volunteers put in at the park and we learned about the importance of ecological conservation. In the area of art, we combined image editing, painting, art, typography and photography to create our web pages. In the area of natural science, we experienced maintaining the park and guiding people around it too. Finally, after doing the research, every student all learned how to express their own opinions. We also learned to nurture our own confidence when interview people and giving guided tours of the park. Additionally we all learned about the concept of eco-conservation.

What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?

Cyberfair Member Selection

Tool 【Hardware: projector, camera; Software: Power Point 】
Application【 Presentation could be done by any tool, and most students used Power Point to give briefings. 】

Have a Brief to Principal

Tool 【Hardware: notebook, projector, camera; Software: Power Point 】
Application【 We gave a briefing about the topics of the Cyberfair to the principal by Power Point. 】


Tool 【Hardware: camera; Software: Word, Excel】
Application【 We designed the questionnaire by Word, and used Excel to turn the data analysis into charts. We also took pictures to record the progress of survey. 】


Tool 【Hardware: camera, microphone, earphones, voice recorder pen; Software: Word, Excel, PhotoImpact, KMPlayer, Skype】
Application【 We designed our nameplates and invitation cards by PhotoImpact. Cameras and voice recorder pens are used to record the interview. Finally, we conducted an interview by camera and voice recorder pens.】

Yu-Tsai Ecology lectures

Tool 【Hardware: camera, DV, microphone; Software: Power Point】
Application【 We used cameras and DV to record Pan-Pan's speech. 】

Junior Guide Training Camp

Tool 【Hardware: camera, DV; Software: Word, Internet】
Application【 We sorted out the information about plants and the lecture. We also used DV to record the lecture. 】

Junior Guide

Tool 【Hardware: camera, DV; Software: Word, PhotoImpact,】
Application【 Before the activities, we used PhotoImpact to design the pictures. And we used cameras and DV to record the activity.】

Welcoming the Birds

Tool 【Hardware: camera, DV, megaphone; Software: Word】
Application【 We use megaphones to broadcast the songs to attract the community. 】

2030 River Future Forum

Tool 【Hardware: camera, DV, megaphone; Software: Word, KMPlayer】
Application【 We recorded our discussions with the Water Resources Bureau Chief.】

Website Design

Tool 【Software: FrontPage】
Application【 We searched on the Internet, and used the most familiar software, FrontPage, to do the website design. 】

Graphic Design

Tool 【Software: PhotoImpact, Photo Shop, Flash】
Application【 We used the software to design the elements of website. 】

Image Process

Tool 【Hardware: scanner,; Software: PhotoScape, PhotoImpact, Photo Shop】
Application【 We scanned the pictures to the computer, and then do the image processing. 】

Data Collection

Tool 【Software: IE , Word】
Application【 We used Word to type up the information searched for on the Internet. 】

Data Backup

Tool 【Software: Flash drive、DVD R/W 】
Application【 We backed up the information by flash drive.】

In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.

Interacting with the Yung Ho Community University's Shui Dang Dang Volunteers:

We made appointments with people to interview them and then explained to them why we were conducting the interviews and what the interviews would be about. This taught us how to communicate with each other and to have courage when speaking in public.

Interacting with the public:

Our “Welcoming the birds” event gave us an opportunity to enter the community. We took placards, sang songs, and as we walked along the road, we handed out invitations and balloons. We hoped that the public could come with us and join us in taking a tour around the eco-park. Additionally, we made a questionnaire and in doing so met lots of enthusiastic people, but we also met some people who didn't want to take part. However all of this was a valuable experience for us.
Additionally, we made a questionnaire and in doing so met lots of enthusiastic people, but we also met some people who didn't want to take part. However all of this was a valuable experience for us.

Interacting with our teachers and classmates:

One of the volunteers, Uncle Pan, came to the school to give a lecture and introduce the eco-park to everyone. We dressed up as aquatic plants and modeled for Uncle Pan as he talked about each plant. This helped the teachers and students to learn more about the endemic plants that grow in the eco-park and it also helped everyone to realize the taking care of the environment is everyone's responsibility.

What has been the impact of your project on your community?

Our questionnaire told us that there are some people who live in Yung Ho but don't know about the Yung Ho Community University Eco-park and some know about the park but have never visited it. Therefore we wanted to do something to promote the park. By giving guided tours, we could let the public learn more about the eco-park and about the plants that grow in it. Besides this, we also wanted to do something to thank the volunteers who have worked so hard create this beautiful wetland in our community. We hope in the future that the park will continue to be sustainable.

What have you learned through your team collaboration?

Due to the complexity of this project and the numerous activities involved in completing it, teamwork was imperative. Job responsibilities were split up, but results were always compiled and agreed upon together. Differing viewpoints and opinions were openly discussed until a mutual understanding was reached.

Unity is strength and is the secret to overcoming any and all obstacles.

How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

Personal visits: We used our spare time in the evening to hand out invitations at Yung Ho Community University and to interview the volunteers there. We learned about their thoughts and hopes.

Phone calls: We had to call up the volunteers before an interview to schedule a time to as not everyone could come at the same time and sometimes the bad weather would force people to cancel.

Internet phones calls: Teacher Chao-Ren was very busy so we used Skype to interview him. We talked for a long time about how he has worked at the eco-park from the beginning all the way to now.

Email: Every time we did a guiding activity, we used email to discuss how it went afterwards. Uncle Jianci and the Volunteers President also used email to send us photographs of our activities.

Discoveries, lessons and Surprises


The power of teamwork: Teamwork and cooperation are very important. If we relied on only one person, we would have no chance of complete our project.
Website building: In making a website, we not only had to combine everything that we had learned about software, but we had to learn about analyzing the information we gained by handing out questioners.
Junior guides: Becoming a junior guide not only means having a lot of knowledge, you must also react quickly and speak loudly and clearly in order to attract people's interest.


Preparation: Before the interviews, we must get the questionnaire and tape recorder ready otherwise it will be chaos! Also when guiding we must to get all the props ready first so that everything goes smoothly.
Don't procrastinate: After every activity or interview, we must get everything recorded. If we leave it for too long, our workload will pile up and we'll start to forget some of the things that have happened.
Practice again and again: The first time we got to be junior guides, we were all very nervous and got tongue tied. However after repeated practice, everyone got over their nervous and everything went well.


It was a surprise to find out that Yung Ho has a beautiful man-made wetland, and that it was built by a group of passionate volunteers. However even more surprising was to find out just how much hard work those volunteers put into maintaining the wetlands. They really are truly amazing!
Inside the park, there is a man-made stream and the water that runs through it is actually waste water from people's homes. However as it is filter by the plants, it is very clean and clear and we thought that this was incredible!
Taiwan has so many special plants that need our protection. Relying on the work of a few isn't enough. One river can produce and support many plants, animals and fish and everyone should work together to help preserve this delicate ecology.

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