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--- Case Study Planning ---
Project Narrative
Project Overview
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Project Overview

Project Overview

(1)CyberFair Entry Category:

 Elementary School groupLocal - Culture, Music and Art Forms.
(2 )Description of "Our Community":
 Located at the entrance of Laiyi Township, Kuljaljau Village greets people with a high-rise spiritual fortress in the front.? The Kuljaljau Village is enriched with traditional culture and folklores, and has a high regard for the passage of heritage and root searching among generations.? One of Kuljaljau’s most well known event is its five-year fiesta that represents the culture of Paiwan Tribe, which attracts many tourists visiting from afar.? Wood sculpture is the most exemplary traditional art in Kuljaljau.? The agricultural products and the specialty foods originated from mountains nearby include the millet (and millet-fermented liquor), taro, peanuts, wild vegetables, and etc.? The aboriginal savor has been well preserved in Kuljaljau thanks to the many local, folk activities held for tourism and recreation. ?In addition, in Kuljaljau the development of forest walking trails is currently underway.? So, everyone comes to visit the Kuljaljau Village to enjoy, play, and breathe the healthy phytoncide!? It will be a wonderful experience.
(3 )Summary of Our Project:
 The Kuljaljau Village is a place where you are embraced with ancient atmosphere.? The Village is particularly well-known for its five- year fiesta.? Through this project we hope to introduce to you this special event in its entirety.? And at this website you will learn of this event and all the extended activities.? At the same time we would like to recommend the wonderful scenery of Kuljaljau to you?it is a great place to spend your holidays and is certainly worth of a visit to get close to the beauty of the nature, the local culture, and the experience you would never find in other tourist spots!
(4 )Our Computer and Internet Access:
 Our School has now in place a computer center that provides wireless Internet access to the residents of the Kuljaljau Village and of its neighboring villages to fill the informational needs of remote areas.? The computer center also serves the purpose of providing students with a better learning environment so they may collect data while in School and allow for those who have computer at home to complete the data-processing assignment.
(5 )Problems We Had To Overcome:
1. Lack of Experience :
 Since this was our first time we attended the Cyberfair, we were relatively inexperienced with the project and its implementation.? Our knowledge on the topic we chose?the five-year fiesta of Paiwan Tribe?was also insufficient, and we lacked the experience to handle the process.? We spent a great deal of time visiting the elders in the Tribe, and organizing a large amount of data and the tremendous amount of photographs.? Thanks to the big brothers and sisters from the National Pingtung University, their assistance guided us through this process and helped solving many difficulties encountered in the research.

2. Interview with Tribal Elders:
 This is not an easy task.? The interview often has to be scheduled around the tribal elders’ routines and availability.? The interview is also hampered by the fact that there are many taboos about the Paiwan five-year fiesta that can not be revealed and explained to the outsiders.? Another difficulty in conducting interviews with the elders is the language barrier?the elders often only speak the native language.? Luckily, the relative of a School teacher was a priest at the five-year fiesta, and the teacher also taught the course of native language at School.? They provided us the timely assistance in translation.

(6 )Our Project Sound Bite:
 We were not familiar with the research process because this was our first time with Cyberfair project.? Luckily with the guidance from big brothers and sisters, we learned many techniques quickly, especially on the use of computers.? Can you imagine: we were anxious about everything before we first met!? But they were very nice and we got along great after our time together.? They stayed, helped, and played with us!

 We didn’t quite understand the native language the elders used during the interviews.? Nonetheless, with the translation by our teachers we quickly learned many details of the five-year fiesta, such as the process and things to be cared for; none of these we knew in the beginning!? We are very happy having the opportunity to attend the Cyberfair; these will be precious memories in the years to come.? We are also happy to know the big brothers and sisters.? We hope they will come to visit the Kuljaljau Village often in the future and play with us!























Planned by volunteer teachers at Kuljaljau Elementary School, Laiyi Township Pingtung County, Year 2007; Made by Goblin’s Aspirational Team.
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