Questionnaire and Investigation The Interview of President Wu, Xin Zhong

The Interview of the Village Head, Huang, Wen Zhong The Interview of Mr. Ye, Yuan Huang

The Interview of Miss. Jian, Hui Ling

One: Preface

    There are 51 shares of the questionnaire. We recover 36 ones. Because one of them is incomplete, the total amounts of them are 35 in the end. This questionnaire should be written in following two ways: students write it after interviewing their parents, or their parents fill it themselves. What has been written next is the brief analysis of it.


Two: Analysis of the Question

Question one: What do you think the most central meaning of the water resource in Rui-feng toward the developing of the community?

The tea gardens’ irrigating   People's livelihood water 

Tourist industry development   The ecology safeguarding


There are totally 17 copies choosing “the tea gardens’ irrigating,” 34 copies choosing “people’s livelihood water,” 4 copies choosing “tourist industry’s development,” and eight copies choosing “the ecology safeguarding.”


Question two: What do think about the condition of the inadequacy of the water in Rui-feng neighborhood?

□ Very serious □Serious □Ordinary □Not serious


There are five copies choosing “very serious,” 13 “serous,” and 16 “ordinary.”


Question three: Do you know the dry season which we commonly face with in Rui-feng mountain areas? From which month to next year which mouth?


Most of them conclude that its’ from November to next year April.


Question fourth: Do you think that it needs to cost a lot of money to irrigate the tea gardens of Rui-feng?

□ Need it very much □Need it □Need it normally □Do not need it


There are five copies choosing “need it very much,” 22 “need it,” and 2 “need it normally.”


Question five: Do you think that it needs the support of water resource to help the development of the tourist industry of Rui-feng regions.

□ Need it very much □Need it □Need it normally □Do not need it


There are 11 ones choosing “need it very much,” 18 choosing “need it,” and 6 choosing “need it normally.”


Question six: Do you agree that once the convenient water system of the community is put into practice, the deficiency of the livelihood water could be handled?

□Agree it very much □Agree it □Disagree


There are four copies choosing “agree it very much,” 28 choosing “agree it,” and 3 “disagree.”


Three: conclusion
    First of all, citizens still suppose that the main function of the water resource is for livelihood using. The less significant one is to irrigate the tea gardens, which are the main sources of incoming. Most parents have mentioned the question of ecological preservation of water resource. In addition, it can be transferred as the supporting force of the community tourist industry.
Second, the limitation of the water differs from one place to another, which leads to the dissimilar opinions from parents. Half of the parents think that there is obviously the crisis of water shortcoming, and the others don’t think so.
Third, the dry season differs from diverse places and terrains at different time. Generally speaking, the dry season starts from December to next year April.
Fourth, over half of the parents feel that we need to spend more money irrigating the tea gardens.
Fifth, there are two-thirds of parents reflect that the water resource can help the development of the community tourist industry, which supports us a constructive advice for the growth of the tourist industry in the future.
Most parents still anticipate that community convenient water can become the main source to afford the water. However, there are still few parents don’t agree with it.