Team members


Wen-sheng Huang
Computer Teacher
He-xin Wang
Chinese Teacher
Xu-chen Huang
Society Teacher


( Press photos can be linked to the Study report ) 



Study Report


     I am Chi-sheng Chiu and I have learned a lot by participating in this Cyberfair project. Before joining in this Cyberfair project, I have never heard of the historic interest Shi-yi Building in Lukang. When I walked into Shi-yi Building, I raised my head and saw “patio” that I have never seen. I was impressed! After I entered the building, I saw one arch which was amazing! Subsequently, we arrived at the top of Shi-yi Building and experienced various artistic activities. It was another special experience.

     After these visits, I realized that I have missed these historic traces. In this project, I recognized the beauty of Lukang. After the restoration of Shi-yi Building, I hope that everyone can visit Shi-yi Building and appreciate the charm of historic interests in Lukang.


     My name is Cheng-chung Huang. I have never thought that I could join in Cyberfair project. In the process, I learned more about Shi-yi Building. We visited Mr.  Yen-yu Chuang who has lived in the building and he introduced precisely the history and characteristics of Shi-yi Building; we also interviewed Mrs. Chuang who spent the most of time living in Shi-yi Building and listened to stories of Mrs. Chuang and Mr. Chuang. We imagined their lives in the past. I appreciate the assistance from teachers and classmates. It was a brand new experience and I hope that I can participate in the project in the future.


     I am Che-jui Hsu, by participating in this Cyberfair project, I visited Shi-yi Building in Lukang. When I walked into Shi-yi Building, I recognized the historic atmosphere. We interviewed the teacher who was professional guide of historic spot. Afterwards, we interviewed Mrs. Chuang, the eldest one who has lived in Shi-yi Building. Mrs. Chuang was the daughter-in-law of the family Chuang. She has lived in Shi-yi Building for 66 years. We asked about her life experience in Shi-yi Building. After interview, it seemed that we experienced the era of glory of Shi-yi Building.

     In this activity, I realized how precious the historic spot of my hometown and I hope that all of us can cherish it. Shi-yi Building is a great place filled with history. After restoration, everyone can visit it and Shi-yi Building will become popular again.


     I am
Han-lei Huang, at the beginning when I joined in Cyberfair project, I thought it was an easy task. However, afterwards, I realized that the work of Cyberfair project was extremely complicated and difficult. We should make efforts to be successful. After learning the history of Shi-yi Building, I realized that it was an interesting building. Besides, I acquired a lot from Cyberfair project. At the beginning, I was unfamiliar with computer. Afterwards, I obtained sense of achievement and the techniques which I was unfamiliar with, such as transcription from sound recording and image processing. I also learned to construct a website. In the process, my obstacle was “typing”. However, I attempted to break through it. I was glad to join in this activity with classmates!


     I am
Chuan-liang Hsu. At the beginning, I was unfamiliar with Cyberfair project and I signed up with the passion in construction of web page. I learned slowly and obtained the techniques by software of image processing. I remembered that once I made a big mistake on the file and I rushed to the teacher for help and recovered the work with relief. I originally had no idea about this old building. After reading and data review, I learned more about the historic interest of my hometown. An old building was filled with stories!

     I thought I did not contribute a lot. However, the team was assisted with my efforts. I acquired plenty of things from Cyberfair project. At the beginning, I was unfamiliar with computer and afterwards, I obtained sense of achievement and the techniques I did not master. Thanks to everyone and the host of the project!


     My name is
Yung-chieh Hsu. Before joining in Cyberfair project, I had no idea about Shi-yi Building and I could only learn about it from internet. By participating in Cyberfair project, I approached the things related to Shi-yi Building. When interviewing Mr. Yen-yu Chuang, I obtained history and architectural characteristics of Shi-yi Building which were worthy of further study. By interviewing Mrs. Chuang who had lived in Shi-yi Building for 66 years, I learned about the interesting stories in Shi-yi Building. I could tell that she missed the time living in Shi-yi Building. Finally, thanks to the assistance from teachers and classmates. Although the time was short, I obtained a lot, from having no idea about Shi-yi Building to being able to introduce Shi-yi Building to others. Although the process was difficult, it was worth it. Because of Cyberfair project, I obtained more about history of Lukang.


     I am
Chih-hsuan Shih. I have heard of Cyberfair project and it was the first time I joined in Cyberfair project. Topic of our web page was Shi-yi Building, historic interest of Lukang. We have searched for numerous data and articles related to Shi-yi Building. One of our team members has lived in Shi-yi Building since childhood and thus we could visit Shi-yi Building. In addition, his uncle Mr. “Yen-yu Chuang” was the researcher of history and historic spots and the teacher of historic interest club in the school. We invited him to explain the things in Shi-yi Building and thus we obtained more knowledge. We interviewed Mrs. Chuang who has lived in Shi-yi Building for the most of time. She patiently responded to our questions. I was glad to participate in this activity. After this experience of Cyberfair project, I acquired plenty of things.


     My name is
Yi-chen Lee. At the beginning, I had totally no idea about Cyberfair project and I joined in the project with classmates. I remember that in the first class, we searched for information related to Shi-yi Building. Although I read the data, I still felt confused. Afterwards, we visited Shi-yi Building and acquired plenty of things. I approached the lives of ancient people, structure of building and evolution of Shi-yi Building. Some of the information could not be found on internet. We shot the videos in Shi-yi Building. Although the videos lasted for only few minutes, we spent plenty of time. Finally, we interviewed Mrs. Chuang in her house. Mrs. Chuang laughed all the time and was approachable. Although sometimes the language of Taiwanese was unfamiliar to me, generally speaking, I could understand her. Thanks for the teachers’ instruction and I learned more about historic interest of Lukang.


     I am Yen-yun Lin. It was the first time joining in Cyberfair project. I was originally not interested in historic interests in Lukang. However, after this visit, I discovered numerous new things. In Shi-yi Building, I obtained the history and interesting stories of the family Chuang. When I first visited Shi-yi Building, it was as normal as other abandoned houses. However, after the first visit, I recognized the uniqueness and beauty of history and internal structure of Shi-yi Building and it was impressive! Afterwards, we interviewed Grandma Chuang who recalled the problems and interesting things when living in Shi-yi Building.

     It was positive and meaningful learning and experience and I obtained plenty of things. Thanks to the instruction of teachers and classmates as well as Cyberfair project which enhanced my experience!


     I am
Chia-hua Hsu. The topic of our Cyberfair project was Shi-yi Building of Lukang. In order to accomplish this web page, we collected numerous information related to Shi-yi Building and we visited the building. We not only took pictures, but also imitated the ancient people and their activities in Shi-yi Building, such as reciting the poems. We invited the teacher of historic interest club in school to explain the things in Shi-yi Building and thus we learned more about the building. We also interviewed Mrs. Chuang to approach the lives in Shi-yi Building. I realized that historic interest should be protected and preserved.

     After the interview, the most difficult part was the transcription of sound recording and report of acquisition. Although it was hard work in the process, it was worth it. In this activity, I recognized the importance of team work and acquired rich experience which could not be learned from life. Thanks to teachers who allowed me to join in Cyberfair project and obtain precious experience.



( Pictures are made by the team members. )




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