Interview with the director of T.Q.T.: Ms. Yeh Yi Chun

Fast clapper talks to thank Director Yeh

In order to thank Director Yeh, who took time off her demanding schedule to have an interview with us, Yu-Tsai Original Artsy Shuochang Posse has prepared a fast clapper talks performance to show our appreciation. In the meantime, we hope to see Director Yeh continue her endeavor to promoting shuochang.

Performer: Ryan, Tim, Howard, Andrew, Ariel, Cathy

|We prepared a fast clapper talks performance to show our appreciation|



One sail to grant you smooth sailing,
Two saints to bring you harmony,
Three starts to light up your sky,
Four seasons to bless your year,
Five blessings to knock on your door,
Six hands of straights to help you go on a roll,
Seven coincidences to max your luck,
Eight deities to help you conquer obstacles,
Nine lucky ornaments to raise you to the sky,
Ten perfect tens to consummate everything,
Hundreds of well-wishes to arrive at your door,
Thousands of auspicious clouds to gather in the sky,
Tens of thousands of things to go your way.

一帆風順 、
二聖和合 、
三星高照 、
四季平安 、
五福臨門 、
六六大順 、
七巧連環 、
八仙過海 、
九如躍登 、
十全十美 、
百福並至 、
千祥雲集 、
萬事如意 。


Feedbacks from the director

After watching ‘Felicitation’ and ‘Da Guo Men’ performed by the Original Artsy Shuochang Posse, Director Yeh gave us the following suggestions:

Director Yeh:

[Starting]: When you were starting, you had three more sets of claps than usual. It must have been an ingenious idea taught by your instructor so you would be able to flow more smoothly into the main performance.

[Felicitation]: It is a ‘congratulatory’ deliverance, so you must keep you intonation lively and passionate so the audience would feel like they were being showered with well wishes.
You need to pick up the tempo starting from ‘five blessings to knock on your door,’ and keep it tight until ‘ten perfect tens to consummate everything.’ Your intonation needs to be more affirmative with an inclining momentum, and your articulation needs to be clear as well.
Finally, from ‘hundreds of well-wishes to arrive at your door,’ ‘thousands of auspicious clouds to gather in the sky,’ to ‘tens of thousands of things to go your way,’ you need to raise your intonation to amplify the theatric effect.
You must remember, any performance garnished by art can no longer stay flat. You need to design highs and lows into it. The best part is everyone designs these highs and lows differently, and the performer also needs to think about it to make the performance entertaining to the audience.

Text: the Original Artsy Shuochang Posse │ Pictures: the Original Artsy Shuochang Posse