Foreign Teachers Doing Shuochang-Preparation

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After studying shuochang for the past few months, the team has a pretty good understanding of it. Besides people in the community and students at school, we would also like to share what we have learned with our foreign teachers so they would be able to experience this traditional Chinese art form with us. After teaching them shuochang, they shared something similar to shuochang they have from back home.


Before inviting our foreign teachers to experience shuochang, we have to first figure out how to explain this activity to them in English. Therefore, we prepared an invitation and a brief description of shuochang in English, posters of pinyin, and digital recording devices.

│we prepared a brief description of shuochang in English, posters of pinyin, and digital recording devices│

Teaching Tips


During this activity, we found the following three things to be crucial in making teaching foreign teachers fun and interesting:

│Ariel spoke slowly and cleary to teach Teacher Cara│

1. Speak slowly (break down a sentence into groups of three or four words)

2. Speak clearly (articulation)

3. Exaggerate movement of mouth (pronunciation)

After this activity, we suddenly realized the abovementioned teaching tips were the same ones that our student shuochang expert teachers have been telling us all along! Now we know how tough it is to be a good teacher.


Text: Ryan, the Original Artsy Shuochang Posse │ Pictures: the Original Artsy Shuochang Posse