Nurturing Hands

The art of shuochang germinated, grew, and blossomed at Yu-Tsai, and our students have learned shuochang well. They put in lots of effort in learning, and our teachers have also helped by creating performing opportunities for them to shine. The students stood on the stage with confidence and shared what they have learned with the audience.

Promoter of Happy Learning: Principal Peter Pan

The art of shuochang arrived at Yu-Tsai along with Principal Pan in 2013. He has been encouraging the students to have fun, passion, and dream while learning. There are ways for students to show confidence while learning. When learning shuochang, Principal Pan wants us to learn happily and try to perform on stage as much as possible because that is also a form of learning and a source for creative energy and inspirations.


Promoter of Class Scheduling: Academic Director Iris Tsai

After learning the school intended to include shuochang in language learning, Director Tsai has been very active in promoting this new class. She organized activities to allow our students to show what they have learned. Furthermore, the learning of shuochang is not limited to Yu-Tsai classes, the school set up a lunchtime radio show for our students to experience the charm of shuochang.

Promoter of Shuochang: Ms. Li

Ms. Li has been actively promoting the art of shuochang for more than ten years. After turning down invitations from a number of schools, Ms. Li chose her mother school to promote shuochang. She hopes to lead the younger generation of Yu-Tsai students to the path of learning shuochang. Ms. Li believes that every child is unique. As long as the teacher is able to utilize his/her professionalism to help each kid find a suitable way of learning, children are able to reach their goals step by step.



Promoter of Co-Op learning: Homeroom Teachers

Grade Four Class Zhi – Ms. Cheng

Two years after shuochang was introduced to Yu-Tsai classes, Ms. Zhang wants her students to learn shuochang during and after class. She teamed up her class with Grade Four Class Ren for a joint performance during the morning assembly. Even though the show was not an easy one to organize, the teachers still pulled it off. In the process, the students were able to show what they have learned, and their level of confidence also got better. Ms. Zhang pays attention to the articulation and pronunciation of her students, and she encourages them to listen and learn with heart. She believes that when students are focused, their articulation will improve, and this is going to make an impact on their future.

Grade Four Class Ren – Ms. Yeh

Ms. Yeh believes that every student should learn the art of shuochang because this class combines talking and singing with movements, something that every kid looks forward to learning. When kids are interested in something, they often exhibit better learning results. The art of shuochang is able to unlock every kid’s potential. They become more active, and they learn to appreciate other people. As long as they learn with their hearts, every one of them is able to improve through learning.

Grade Three Class Ren – Mr. Wu

Mr. Wu, who enjoys shuochang tremendously, attends shuochang class with his students, and he has observed changes in them. After taking shuochang classes, the students are more willing to express themselves, and their articulation has also got better. This is especially evident during Chinese class when the class recites a section of the textbook, their intonation sounded like people who recite in a competition. As a result, Mr. Wu encourages his students to take interest in learning shuochang and apply it in their lives whenever possible.

Grade Three Class Zhi – Ms. Liao

Ms. Liao believes that the art of shuochang is able to enhance teamwork amongst students and improve their learning in other language classes. Shuochang class can improve students’ oral skills and self confidence, and it can be used in our everyday life. Therefore, Ms. Liao encourages her students to perform whenever she sees a chance, and she tries hard to incorporate shuochang into other fields of learning for her students.

Source: Interviews with Principal Pan, Director Tsai, and teachers│Text: Tim, the Original Artsy Posse│Pictures: Ariel