Ahlong -- with a closed heart


“He was very independent. He didn't care about you. Sometimes he went to Internet Cafes in the middle of the night.....”

Ahlong was raised in a family with no love and care, and he was used to hide his feelings. He locked himself up in his inner self, and was used to turn down other people's care until he met Mom and Pop Wu.

Ahlong came to the Wu's while in his first year of a senior high school. Before being adopted by the Wu's, he stayed at an institutional shelter. While staying at the shelter, he sneaked out frequently in the middle of the night and went to play computer games in Internet Cafes. “He looked smart. He looked as if he was proud of himself, and didn't care to interact with other people.” That was the first impression Ahlong gave to Mommy Wu. It was when Ahlong studied beauty class in a night vocational senior high school. During daytime, he took a job. “He was independent and clever. Though he had certain bad habits, in general, he didn't make you worry.” Behind the mask of an independent and clever adolescent was: unknown father, jailed mother. The lonely child had no home, and no one cared for him. Under such circumstances, Ahlong was used to live a lonely life, and hide his true feelings.

