::Current Location:: >>Analysis > Taipei Youbike > Rent & Return


How do members rent and return the bike with easy card ?

(1)The rent procedure :

A. Choose the bike and put the card on the parking pillar's sensor.
B. When the sensor twinkle the "Take bicycle" light and make the short beeps, pull out the bike then you complete the process.




(2)The return procedure :

A. Choose the empty parking pillar; confirm the blue light on the sensor and insert the bike into it, the bike will be locked in auto. 
B. When the panel twinkle the "Place card over sensor" light and make the short beeps, put the card on the sensor, the system will deduct the money from the card. While the panel shows the amount of "Deduction" and "Balance" and show the green light, you complete the returning procedure.



reference information:www.dot.taipei.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=53046614&ctNode=35038&mp=117001