【Visiting】Experiential activity
Experiential activity

The design of experiential box used printing machine as the simple version of prototype production, and the main purpose is to let us experience the traditional printing method of movable type as well as understand the process of selecting words, typesetting, layout and printing.

The first step is “picking up words”; we selected individual specific excellent words and lines at school and wrote down the content and font size needed. During the experiential activity, we passed it to the professional word picking-up expert to pick up the font for us. Under the instruction of the teacher, the second step is “type setting” and we learnt to arrange the word content into image. The third step is “layout production”; cutting out the grid that the type is going to be place on the box and put the type into the box. The fourth step is “printing”; spread ink onto the types with small stamp pad and put on the card board of the size as business card specific for hand-made card on experiential box. Close the cover of box and press it evenly, and the process of movable type is complete, and the unique small card full of art and technique taste is done.

The type card completed became personal type lines and sentences, and unlimited content will be able to be printed. The spreading out and printing of oil-based inkpad each time is full of feelings and the beautiful technique atmosphere in Ri Xing Type Foundry.

Data compilation: Chun-Han, Fan-Yi
Photo taken by the camera team of CRS