The Introduction and Experience of Bowed String Instruments



The gaohu has high range of voice, like alto, clear, transparent, and penetrating sounds. Combined with its mellow alto, the gaohu has a prominent place at CCCO. It is good for not only slow, lyrical, and gorgeous melody, but also lively and brisk pieces.

Experience Sharing

The way to hold the gong (bow) of the gaohu is like holding a pen. Pulling the bow on one of its strings can produce chirp. It was full of fun. Though it is easy to operate, it is not easy to produce sweet music with the several strings.

Ying-hua Huang
Kai-li Syu
Miao-ru Chen
Shu-yu Jhang



The erhu, also called as a "southern fiddle", is the most important bowed instrument in traditional music and the most popular of the huqin family of traditional bowed string instruments. It has rich playing skills and strong artistic expression. Contemporary erhu has beautiful, pure, soft, and bright tone. It has been developed into an important solo instrument so far.

Experience Sharing

The sounds of erhu are like that of a man, deep. Although I could not produce a piece with the erhu, I felt happy to produce some sounds with it.

Ying-hua Huang
Kai-li Syu
Miao-ru Chen
Shu-yu Jhang



The zhonghu, also known as the alto erhu, is bigger and lower pitched than the erhu. In recent years, in order to strengthen the alto in the ensembles of national instruments, the zhonghu with mid-mass has been used. The zhonghu is analogous with the viola in Western musical instruments, which sets off and enriches the pitch range of the CCCO. Due to its deep voices, it is used in ensembles, accompaniment, and sometimes solo.

Experience Sharing

The appearance between zhonghu and gaohu is similar,but its sound is like erhu. You must listen carefully to tell from the diffenences.

Ying-hua Huang
Kai-li Syu
Miao-ru Chen
Shu-yu Jhang


The interview photos in this page are taken by the crew members.