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Origin of Linzai street
Origin and Evolution of Linzai Street
Evolution of place name Location

According to our teachers and parents, we know that Yuanlin Township was named as “Linzai Street” before. Out of curiosity, we carried out investigation and searched the related data on the network. The data we found out is: According to the research of scholar Ming-ling Hong, the present Yunalin area was developed by Han people in 1723-1735 and it was subordinate to Yanwu Upper and Lower Villages at that time, with the head Shi-bang Shih. It was developed into a town in about 1751 and known as “YuanLinzai Street”. It was opened by the people by cutting forest trees from different directions in early time, and a round forest land was left to commemorate, hence the name. What’s more, the residential houses were surrounded by lush forest, and the residents built houses in the round forest to form a village, so it was also known as “Linzai Street”. (Saying I: Annuals of Yuanlin Township)


Saying II:

Yuanlouzai (typical residential form of the Hakka) -->Yuanlanzih--> Yuanlinzih-->Yuanlinzhi-->Yuanlin (Guo-dian Chen)


Saying III:

Yuanlin, developed by Zhang’s of Hakka from eastern Guangdong in the period of Qianlong in Qing dynasty, was originally a downtown street with walls. It was originally known as YuanLinzih Street, and afterwards simplified as Yuanlin Street (Huanhua Encyclopedia). Japanese Abe Mingyi was the first one to write “the name development of [Yuanlin]” in his “Research on place names of Taiwan”, this book was published in 1937, and it was written in Japanese occupation period. According to the original book, the writer translated the content involved as below: [Yuanlin (Yuanlin Street) was developed into a village in 1730 and a downtown street in about 1751; it was named as YuanLinzai Street originally and changed into Yuanlin Street afterwards. In addition, in the amended Annuals of Taiwan published in 1764, Yuanlinih Street appeared, and it was changed to Yuanlin Street in the Annuals of Changhua County. In Taipei Annuals written by Yao Ying, Tongpan of Gemalan, and published in 1827, it was mentioned, Yuanlin.



1.Yuanlin Township Office website -->   http://www.yuanlin.gov.tw/
