Visiting HanGuang-Tips on observing a band practice


  • Observation form:Observation forms need to be ready beforehand. Dates, instructor, participating members, recording methods, and song titles can be pre-arranged to make your notes more organized.
  • Be all eyes and ears:Although the band isn’t big, we still need to keep our eyes open and listen tentatively to make our recording thorough.
  • Order of songs:There is a whiteboard listing all the songs that will be practiced today. We can write those titles down first, and then number each song. Later, when you do your recording, it will save you some time.
  • Member placement sketch:Once you have arrived, make a quick sketch of the placement of each band member and then number each one of them to facilitate future recordings.
  • Camera, audio recorder:These two are extremely helpful during an observation. They can capture the surrounding at the practice while recording instructions from the teacher. This will make us more efficient and productive!

Observation highlights

Source:Observed and Recorded by the Beautiful Voices