

HanGuang Vocal Band

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| Source: 'HanGuang Vocal Band' |

The band started as Ms. Ju-Fang Song of the 'HanGuang Education Foundation' who is passionate about Chinese culture, felt responsible to perpetuate classical poetry.
The band started as Director Jerry Chu of the ‘HanGuang Education Foundation’ was rejoiced by a cappella.
The band started as Teacher Allegro Chu and Yun-Hong Chen of the 'HanGuang Education Foundation' devoted themselves to promoting a cappella in Taiwan.
The band started with a group of young Taiwanese who are passionate about music.

Words from the Founder

Q:What was the reason that made you want to start HanGuang Vocal Band?


A:The primary mission of HanGuang Education Foundation is to promote and perpetuate language-related traditional Chinese culture. Classical poetry has been our focus, and we have been hosting an annual competition by the name of 'New Darling Old Lover.' In 2014, this competition will enter its ninth year. We first started our promotion in the linguistic art form of stand-up duet, mainly to help people develop better linguistic skills and speech delivery. However, we felt that the audience for stand-up duet is more mature. If we continued our promotion in this direction, we would not be able to attract young people to learn this skill, and the audience would be permanently lost. Therefore, we modified our theme to ‘integrate poetry and singing’ in order to educate and reach out to the audience, and hence we have ‘New Darling Old Lover’ poetry writing competition.
With the competition rolling, we have accumulated many original songs integrated with classical poetry. The purpose of writing these songs is to make them popular so classical poetry would be able to reach out to the public, and that's why we first thought about inviting pop stars to sing and promote our songs. Then we decided not to do so since it might be a bit risky, so we chose to perform and promote the songs in a cappella, which is neither too fancy nor too artistic.

Source: the Beautiful Voices through interviews │ Pictures: HanGuang Vocal Band & the Beautiful Voices