Background - Role of Ambassador


Role of Ambassador

  • Bridging Yu-Tsai and HanGuang
    After our topic was set, we acted as the bridge between HanGuang and the school. We sent out invitation cards with messages from students to Director Chu via email. After the band had agreed, we drafted a rough proposal for this year’s Cyberfair and presented it to our principal and directors during school’s administrative meeting. Finally, with both parties agreeing to our proposal, we finalized the events and dates for both Yu-Tsai and HanGuang.
  • Interaction With School Staff and Students
    Throughout our research, we held many activities for school staff and students to join. For the guided tour, we came up with lively ways to do it so students would be able to learn about a cappella from different angles.
    As for the music seminar, learning poetry through a cappella, and music lessons, we were mostly in charge of supporting duties, planning activities, and contacting the band. We hoped our teachers and students could learn more about HanGuang Vocal Band and a cappella through these activities.
  • Interaction With HanGuang
    From our interviews, activities, and team practice sessions with HanGuang, we saw how passionate each one of them was about music and the band. After spending time with the band, we learned a different side of HanGuang that could not be seen from videos on the Internet. We learned that it takes a tremendous amount of hard work to become a member on an a cappella band.
  • Interaction With Local Community
    Before our activities with the band started, we reached out to neighboring communities and learned how much they know about a cappella through questionnaires. We even got acquainted with some of them! This is truly a valuable and unforgettable experience for us.


Source: the Beautiful Voices|Pictures: the Beautiful Voices