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Summary Supporter Keyman Activities Experience Us Project

Experiencing Handmade Work

On July 25th, we went to volunteer at Immaculate Heart Center for Mentally Handicapped with our classmates. We were divided into two groups. The first group helped to assemble paper bags. The second group helped to paste the stickers on the Immaculate Heart Center for Mentally Handicapped monthly newsletters.

Those paper bags were made to pack kimchi and pomelo tea. We made those paper bags with several steps. First, make a good paper cut and fold out creases. Second, stick paper together and then put the bottom of the bag on a wooden bucket to stick up. After that, pierce holes in the bag. Finally, put the strings through the small holes in the paper bags. Then it was done.

We were making the paper bags.

We were making the paper bags.

It sounded simple but difficult to do the job. We were divided into several groups to work with different steps. And everyone of each group was in charge of one step. The most difficult part was to make holes. We tried again and again to make holes in the paper bag. Each partner that did this part of work all said that the work was too painful! So we took turns to finish this part of work.

We were making the paper bags.

We were making the paper bags.

We were making the paper bags.

We were making the paper bags.

The second group was assigned to paste monthly newsletters which were for the members. The alternative service soldiers gave us stickers which had members’ names and their addresses. Those stickers were sequenced and shouldn’t be messed up. So we were very careful and serious for pasting these stickers.

We were sticking carefully in the meeting room.

We were sticking carefully in the meeting room.

We were sticking carefully in the meeting room.

We were sticking carefully in the meeting room.

Two hours later, we finished making paper bags and pasting monthly magazines steps by steps. Then, we cleaned up the meeting room together. Teacher Huang shuyun asked us to hurry up because we had to go back to school for lunch. So we cleaned up quickly. Finally it's time to say goodbye to Sister You and teachers at the center.

We cleaned up the environment quickly.

We cleaned up the environment quickly.