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Help Feeding

On August 16th, we served as one-day volunteers at Immaculate Heart Center for Mentally Handicapped. Our main job that day was to feed the kids who weren’t able to eat by themselves, so each of us took this duty at noon.

Accompanying the pre-school  age children to have meal.

Accompanying the pre-school age children to have meal.

Knowing that some of the kids had problems with swallowing and mastication, we smashed the food with the blender in advance so that they could swallow more easily. The other kids whose mastication function was not that poor as those mentioned above, could eat by themselves as long as we cut their food into pieces. And those who needed our feeding one bite after another were sometimes seen a little food flowing out from the corner of their mouths, thus we had to wipe their mouths while feeding them.

We were cutting food with scissors.

We were cutting food with scissors.

Something we found interesting happened during the feeding work, like that the food sometimes dropped out from their mouth when they were chewing. We were told that it meant they were happy. Some of the kids were just quietly eating aside and seemed satisfied.

We helped the adult to eat food.

We helped the adult to eat food.

While assisting with feeding, we felt a lot. For example, we found that there were some special people need our help in the world. They lived so hard, but also wanted to have a gorgeous life like ordinary people. I hope in the future they could be happy every day.