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Handmade Dumplings

The seniors from Class 309 have done the volunteering at Immaculate Heart Center for Mentally Handicapped for years. They often used their holiday time to do volunteering for Immaculate Heart Center for Mentally Handicapped. The disabled children at the center often eat rice, meat, and vegetables for lunch, and they had few chances to eat dumplings. This time, the seniors made 1200 dumplings for the disabled children to eat for lunch.

The seniors are making dumplings.

The seniors are making dumplings.

(August 20th, 2013) Aunt Cooks teach the seniors to make dumplings, and everybody worked hard on making dumplings. They made each dumplings carefully and focused on all details. In addition to wrap dumplings, the seniors also helped to do handmade work and cleaned the environment. It is very tiring.

Seniors from class309 were making dumplings.

Seniors from class309 were making dumplings.

After the aunt cook boiled dumplings, they helped feed the disabled students dumplings. They felt satisfied while seeing kids' satisfying smiles. We expected to have the chance to wrap dumplings next time as the seniors did. It was a pity that our main job this time was to interview teachers, and we didn't have enough time rest to help wrap dumplings. Though we would like to help more.

Seniors from class309 were making dumplings.

Seniors from class309 were making dumplings.

The seniors from class 309 set good examples for us to follow. Although we are teenagers and don’t have money to donate to the center. We still can use our own ways to change the world around us. Helping the disabled children at the center is just one of their volunteering activities. I hope our goodness can cause people around us to lead a better life.