Cat Lovers in Taipei ﹥ Interview with Cat Lovers ﹥ Animal Protection Association

Mr. Cat’s Friends: A-Zen and Mars | Animal Shelter Dr. Huang | Madame the Cat | The Feline Authority: Doctor Cat
Shiao-shien | Mao Xaio P | Animal Protection Association | Silverquick | The Head of Houtong Village: Van-ching Cheng
Animal Protection Association
Introduction: Animal Protection Association aims to research the animal protection problems, help boost the public to protect animals., promote the education of animal protection and help boost the public strength to assist government to preserve the abandoned animals.

Q:  What is the difference between Neihu Animal Shelter and Animal Protection Association?
  A: The former is run with taxes of Taipei government, yet the latter is sponsored with the fund raised by non-profit organization.

Q: What is the authoritative institution about animal protection?
  A: Official institution for Animal related business is Animal Protection Section in Council of Agriculture.

Q: What is the difference between official institution and non-profit organization?
  A: There is still some difference.  For example, They can proceed mercy-killing in official institution, but not necessarily the same in non-profit organization.

Q:  Why is the Animal Protection Association founded?
  A:  It can be traced back to the “Livestock Association in R.O.C.”when Chiang Kai-Shek was the president.  It meant for managing the animals for economic purposes.  And then the association has changed its goal through years.

Q: How many animal protection associations are there in Taiwan?
  A: We have 70 in total.  Ours is the very first one. And there are ten associations in Taipei.

Q:  Is there a connection between all kinds of associations and NPO?
  A:  Basically we run our own business, but we will cooperate in some big activities.

Q:  What’s the qualification for being a volunteer?
  A:  The most important thing is that you cannot be allergic to animals. There is a shift arrangement for general cat room.  The executive volunteers must be above 18 years old, but those who just want to have experience to serve will not be limited by age.

Q:  What’s the main job of volunteers?
  A: Feeding the cats and cleaning the kitty litter boxes are the main things to do.

Q: What kind of qualification should one has if he wants to adopt a cat?
  A: Legally you have to be above 12 years old.  To animal protection groups, their main concern is environmental problem  They have to make sure that the potential owner has no allergic symptoms, if there’s other cats in house,  and if the potential owner has the will to take care of the cat for long.

Q: Do you hold any special activities?
  A: Cats are way too sensitive to join most activities.  We do have tempting cages to lend to people, but you have to make a reservation.  We can help proceed TNR, and help educate the owner.
Q: If you find someone abandon a cat, what will you do?
  A:Unfortunately, we can do nothing. But we will try to persuade them not to.

Q: Will you take the abandoned cats?
  A: It depends on the capacity.  If there’s enough room, we will take them.

Q:  If a cat stays on the hood or sit on the chair, what do you suggest us to do?
  A:  Let it sit there and it will leave soon.

Q: How much money have you spent on the cat food last year?
  A: 2,551,504元

Q: The protection cost a lot, how do you get the funds?
  A: We have a project called “You adopt it, I raise it”. It’s like adopting a kid in Africa: you pay the bill, and the professionals raise the cats.