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Settle Down The Cause and Effect Finding Treasure Action Fantastic Environment Project Team others  
 Nature Instinct — The Driftwood


The Favorite of Artists.

Under the initiative of green energy environmental protection around the world, the driftwood became many artists’ source on creation selection in the last few years. The characteristic of driftwood was that it did not need to fall down forests to obtain the material but naturally included art element. Therefore, many artists took the natural source and established Art Workshop to attract tourists for visiting and resting.

But what must pay special attention was that the usage of driftwood had been under standard and restriction of Lows in Taiwan. The rule of picking and use of driftwood was very clearly written in Forest Low. Hence, when people discovered special modeling driftwood around riverside, seashore or reservoir, it was not allowed to keep them for their own.

The detailed provision of laws was available in Law & Regulations Database of The Republic of China website, searching for key word “driftwood”.


The Historical Testimony — Servicemen's Residential Compounds


Endless stories

Endless stories of Servicemen’s Residential Compounds had been cited. The compounds mostly refereed to the houses and areas that were set up after KTM government moved to Taiwan for those servicemen families who took part in the KMT and CP civil war at the early of twenty century.

Since lived the member mainly were servicemen’s spouse and children, they were called “Servicemen’s Residential Compounds”. Mostly, the house wall were built by red brick, also many of them were the low single story constructions. In recent years, because the metropolis expanded, many compounds were involved in the border of metropolis expanding plan areas.

The number of servicemen’s residential compounds scattering in Taiwan decreased due to large-scale of reconstruction or relocation policy set from government. The unique characters and styles of the compounds could be only an aftertaste in cultural relic records and pictures.

 Shuttled in Which — Tree House

The Charts were a poplar sightseeing spot in Tainan for recent years—An Ping Tree House.

Aroused the innermost curiosity.

As the name suggests, it was a hut with the trees related. Frequently, this type of construction would bring about innocence and curiosity for individual heart. Experienced the situation and shuttled in which you could find surprises in everywhere.

There was no certain formation and style for Tree House. We could say each of them had the unique characteristic and historical background. The famous sightseeing spot in Tainan—An Ping Tree House—was combined by the warehouse of historical building “Tait & Co., Ltd.” and aged trees that attached it. Tainan City Government worked out the house as a popular scenic spot.


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