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        The Story Making into CompostKitchen Waste for Pigs    

The Reason to Recycle Kitchen Waste

When did Taipei recycle kitchen waste?

Particularly, we visited Doctor Lin Bi Xia, the superior of kitchen waste compost plan for Taipei City Government.

Doctor Lin Bi Xia said, “Before more than ten years ago, I had recycled kitchen waste to be the compost when I was a member in “Homemaker’s Union and Foundation

Homemaker’s Union and Foundation was an environmental protection foundation which had been driving the garbage sorting for a long time. In the procedure of sorting the garbage, the most difficult to deal with was kitchen waste because it was easy to be rotten and stink. When we threw kitchen waste into the trash tank, the trash would be easy to be dirty and smell disgust, Doctor Lin said. In addition, Doctor Lin Bi Xia majored in agriculture, she was well aware that most of kitchen waste was the plant which was from nature and better return to the soil.


There were three reasons why Doctor Lin to drive the plan of composting kitchen waste. The first, she wished to sort the garbage more thoroughgoing. The second, recycling kitchen waste would make sort garbage easier. Finally, she thought to use kitchen waste as farmyard manure would be better than to use chemical fertilizer.

The Procedure of Recycling Kitchen Waste

To bring the project of recycling kitchen waste into practice, Doctor Lin Bi Xia and “Homemaker’s Union and Foundation” applied for the case study to Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R. O. C. (Taiwan) and Department of Environmental Protection, Taipei City Government (TDEP). Doctor Lin Bi Xia had followed the garbage truck to guide the citizens how to recycle kitchen waste for a long time. Doctor Lin said, “If we sorted the garbage well, the quantity of the garbage would be lessened. And if the farmer could use the organic fertilizer instead of the chemical one, it would be better for environmental protection.

In the beginning of recycling kitchen waste, they tried to do in two basic units of administration in Nei Hu community. At that time, Doctor Lin went to each family to teach them how to recycle kitchen waste. Gradually, from two units to the whole city, to recycle kitchen waste became the policy of Taipei City Government.


To Test Step by Step

When we visited TDEP, their explanation was the same as Doctor Lin’s. In other words, the project of recycling kitchen waste was carried out step by step. From two basic units of city administration in 2000 to 51 units after one and half years, the policy of recycling kitchen waste had been implemented all over the city in Dec. 26, 2003. Moreover, there were two kinds of kitchen waste. One was making into compost, and the other was for the pig to eat. In 2000, they recycled kitchen waste for compost only, and then they recycled both kinds of kitchen waste in 2003.
