ˇiImpressions of Interviewsˇj

Zo JuinˇG

What an exciting thing! We are going to see Master Huang Chun-Ming in a short while. When I first saw him, I have the feeling of shock, because his looks is somehow different from what I have imagined; yet, at the moment I saw him, I sensed he is a kind and friendly elder. Talked for a bit time, he could not help but got irritated. He did not want us to ask the questions we had raised. Guess he was rather like to talk about the troupe.

Impression of Teacher LuˇG

Master Huang Chun- Ming is a renowned folk writer and is the winner of 2nd National Arts & Literature Award. In order to be close to the Master, with respect and carefulness, we arranged the interview appointment with him, but we almost ruined the interview. On the day, we had our recording pen, camera and most important of all, the agenda of interview with us and arrived office of Huang Ta Yu Kidˇ¦s Troupe. We saw a smiling face greeting us when we push the door open. He said hello to everybody and asked the name of Tze Zung, Zo-Juin and Yi-Shao. It was very amicably. It was like a grey ˇVhair grandpa having dialogue with grand children. We were relaxed at once.

When everybody was ready and recording pen was turned on, Zo-Juin started with the question on the Agenda and asked: ˇ§When did you start your contact with kidˇ¦s drama? Master Huang. For giving full account, started from his troupe in Hunlin shoe factory more than a decade ago and gave things in detail. Later, we asked a few questions, and he answered each of them seriously and carefully. Probably our questions were lack of depth, he seemed to be impatient and asked for a number of times, if we had watched the show of troupe- ˇ§Li Jr. is not a liar.ˇ¨ and wanted to discuss with the students, Tze ˇVZung, Zo-Juin and Yi-Shao to see what their comments on the play might be. Since all three of them had not seen the play, it got Master Huang somehow disappointed. It is said that when we are leaving the office, Master Huang had tears rolling in his eyes. Guess Master Huang was quite disappointed.

Returned to school, we reviewed our questions and we found the answers to those questions were existed in the books introducing Master Huang. It must be that we made the interview bluntly without due preparation that made him sorry and impatient. According to the nanny of the troupe, Master Huang is a quite regulated person. He must have treated this interview seriously and would not take it as a whim just because the interviewers are children. He detests those who want to study or report about him without making preparation. He feels that that is very impolite.

Fortunately, Master Huang did not shut the door but gave us another chance. This time, the appointment is made in December, after his returning from the trip of workshop in Mainland China. This time, we must read books about Master Huang and his works, and we must watch the Kidˇ¦s Play- ˇ§Li Jr. is not a liarˇ¨ so that we may have the first hand information from him in interview.

After going through this incidence, we understood that we must be careful and serious about this thematic investigation. We hope that our thematic research will not about Master Huang Chun-Ming only, but will also cover his effort in promoting kidˇ¦s troupe, rooting drama training in Yilan and discovering gifted kids from the eyes of students. We shall feel the charm of Master Huang Chun-Ming and his Kidˇ¦s drama through personal involvement and recording of the rehearsal and stage performance of the Troupe, and use our web pages to convey the story of love and hope to the outside world.