Organization Members

ˇ@ˇ@The Lanyu Homecare Associationˇ¦s members consist of the executive, administrative personnel, volunteer-workers and homecare staff, who individually provide different work content:

1.Administrative Personnel

ˇ@ˇ@Currently there are 3 administrative personnel in the association who are responsible for drafting all the projects planned by the association, as well as the execution and follow-up of the projects.In terms of workload they have exceeded their maximum load and it is as Hsin-yi said, here each one works two peopleˇ¦s work.Often days have been spent on planning certain projects, to find that only half the funding was approved.When projects were executed often, the difficulty increased.Since most of their projects were applied with the Taichung Government, thus every year this time (January), before the CountyGovernment closes funding, it is also their busiest time, and their duties could only be completed after-hours.

ˇ@ ˇ@In addition, since the these 3 appointed administrative personnel are paid through the associationˇ¦s income, currently the association has encountered problems with their source of salary, because when drafting projects for the County Government and Town Hall, personnel salary and fees cannot be included, which is a restriction that is problematic for running this association.






ˇ@ˇ@The volunteers consist of local women, who are unpaid.There were more than 70 volunteers, but many have had to stop their volunteer work due to family and economic reasons (participating in the Town Hallˇ¦s Sustainable Promotion of Employment Plan), but what was touching was that, many had adjusted their own work schedule to provide homecare services during their spare-time.Other than the volunteers that visit the individual casesˇ¦ homes, in the association there are also volunteers that participate in simple administrative duties and to share the load of the administrative personnel.



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