
Sacred beasts in agriculture


Legend has it that the dragon is capable of being powerful, capable of changing its size. Also, dragon can control the wind and call for rain. Dragon culture can be traced back to 8,000 years ago.
There are about 300 dragon events recorded in the official history of China. To Chinese people, the dragon's image has penetrated into each social corner and various aspects. The Dragon Sculptures, dragon paintings, dragon calligraphy, and customs concerning dragon are everywhere in Chinese culture.

Kirin (Chinese unicorn)

Kirin, the sacred beast dwelling in ancient Chinese mythology. Symbolizes good signs. It is said that kirin can live 2,000 years long. Although kirin is powerful, it never hurts people.
The legend goes that when Confucius was born, a Kirin appeared. Therefore, the belief that Kirin can sending child to families has been convinced by the Chinese for a long time


The image of lion has started since the Han dynasty about 2,000 years ago in China. Since the lion s not a native Chinese species, the image of lion was introduced into China by western people.
When Buddhism came into China, the lion image was spread to more parts of China since many Buddhism classics recorded the power of the lion. Gradually, the Chinese believed that the lion is more powerful than the tiger, so they began to decorate their houses and temples with the sculptures of lions


Phoenix is the leading role of all birds in ancient Chinese legends. Its feathers are generally painted in five colors. As Phoenix shares the same status as the dragon in Chinese culture, many sculptures of Phoenix are set in Chinese temples.