How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
1.Language (Learning) Area:
We learned how to design the questionnaire, how to ask the questions, and how to train our speaking in the process of doing the research project. After the visit to the school, we also needed to deal with a lot of records and write the reports.
2.Mathematic (Learning) Area:
Our main topic is knowing about Taiwan Power company. Therefore, we designed the poster to promote the power safety and the power saving tips. We investigated the concepts and the habits of the visitors by questionnaire. We collected and calculated all questionnaire by Excel, and the result would be presented by figures.
3.Science and Technology (Learning) Area:
We visited different power plants and recognized the principles of different power generation methods. To protect the environment is more important than power generation because no matter the nuclear power or thermal power needs amount of water. We would like to know whether water discharged from nuclear power plants will affect marine ecology, and whether the thermal power plants lead to the air pollution. In addition, we also found the possible environmental impacts of the wind power generation which is one of green energy. We even knew how to use hi-tech products to record a whole research content totally.
4.Integrative Activities (Learning) Area:
Teamwork is a key to success. Some are good at drawing, some are good at writing in the group. The teacher would distribute to different workload according to everyone’s advantages to make everything easier and smoother.
5.Social Studies (Learning) Area:
We read a lot of information about the development of Taiwan's electric power industry when visiting Taipower Exhibit Center in Northern Taiwan. Another consideration is the geographical factor when selecting the site for various power plants, such as nuclear power plants, which require seawater cooling, so they are built along the sea. Thermal power plants require fuel and ports to be shipped in, so they are also built on the seashore. Hydroelectric power plants are usually in the mountains because of the high and low drop to build dams. At last, people can express various opinions on the construction of power plants by the referendum and formulate laws to develop the electricity business in Taiwan.
6.Arts and Humanities (Learning) Area:
There are many public artworks inside and outside the Taipower Building. The small windmill that turns during the day can make the night street art work shine. In order to beautify the power plant landscape, the thermal power plant has a painted chimney, and lily is also integrated into the power plant's mark. It also produces the charactic cultural and creative products like coasters are made of fly ash from the thermal power plant to achieve trash for treasure.
7.Environmental Education (Learning) Area:
Through this event, we realized that Taiwan's energy is so lacking, and fuel depends on imports. In order to generate electricity, Taipower has done some things that people are worried about, such as building a thermal power plant and using nuclear energy, so the government strictly monitors the safety of nuclear power plants and nuclear waste, and monitors the air quality. The government also sets laws to reduce environmental pollution and develop green energy.

In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
Taiwan needs to face the challenge of energy transformation and the situation of low power supply. Everyone likes to enjoy the convenience of electricity, but everyone often ignores the safety of electricity and the power saving. Therefore, we searched a lot of data related to energy and electricity to learn more about Taiwan Power company by using school club activity time. We promoted how to save power and introduced the electricity safety knowledge to everyone during School Anniversary. In addition to designing posters, we also set up a petition to save energy, and hoped more people would practice the concept of saving electricity. In order to know about Taiwan Power company, we arranged many visits, experience events, and interviews to understand their works and challenges deeply. We would post the results of interview on the website by connecting the school link to make the public know why they could enjoy a convenient power supply because of the effort from a group of people in silence.

School Assistance and Cooperation
The school supported us a lot. We did not only make the website in the computer room the school offers, but also collected every material by using many hard equipment such as digital cameras, recorders, and computers. There were some technology problems, for example, image processing, recording file editing, web search data, web page creation, and questionnaire design, etc. The teachers also arranged some courses to make us be in progress. The school helped us to other far places like Taipower North Exhibition Hall, nuclear power plants, and thermal power plants by school bus, so that we can complete the visits more efficiently.

How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
We set up the stand and designed the poster of electricity safety and power saving for promoting how to practice the concept of saving power in daily life on school anniversary. A lot of teachers, students and visitors came to our stand and did the questionnaire. We introduced how to use the home appliances safely.
Moreover, Taipower staffs were so friendly to explain everything and answer any kind of question for us in patience when we visited there. Even if we couldn’t get to the engineer on site, they answered our questions by e-mail in order to make us completely understand what they have done for Taiwanese daily life and concerned about Taiwan energy development. With their support and encouragement, we only expect everyone remembers to save power every moment.


What has been or will be the impact of your project on your community?
We knew nothing about Taiwan’s energy before doing this research. However, we finally had common knowledge about Taiwan's current power generation methods, power supply situation, and household electricity safety and energy conservation after collecting, sorting out information and visiting those power-related units. We understood that there are three fuels of thermal power generation which are coal, oil and natural gas. Although Taiwan's nuclear power plants have many safety measures to avoid the earthquake and tsunami crisis, even they haven’t been used anymore, it must be very cautious to process the nuclear waste. Moreover, everyone is counting on the green energy development of wind power generation, but the unstable generation of renewable energy is a huge challenge so far. The more we know, the more important thing we think is to save electricity because electricity is really hard to come by!

What information tools and technologies did you use to complete your CyberFair project?
Our school provide almost all of the tools we need for this project, like computers, a digital camera, a video recorder, a printer, a scanner, etc. Computers and the internet are the most valuable tools for us because we used these tools and authorized software to organize documents and films and make the web page for our project. We also used smartphones to make appointments with interviewees and contact with tour guides and Beitou residents. In addition, the digital camera and the video recorder are quite useful because they captured valuable moments of the investigation.


Intellectual Property Rights
1.Photos and images used on this project webpage are either taken or drawn by team members.
2.The content of the project is collected and written by team members.
3.The use of someone else's work has been cited sources or authorized.

Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises
We were very impressed by the visit of the smart grid display in Taipower Building. In the smart home display, the home appliances such as air conditioners, fans, lights, can be controlled by the user’s smartphone. If the user forgets to turn off the lights or the air-con when he is out, he can control it even many miles far away from home. It’s amazing! The smart meter can transmit the power usage status of the home to the user's mobile phone in time, which can be compared with the previous power consumption. It will remind us to save electricity if we use it too much.
Another exhibition was amazing, too. We could experience the work of the power dispatcher by AR technology. We never knew the stable power supply needed many people to work behind. At the last visit, we went to Taipower maintenance training center in Xinbeitou. We watched the maintenance staff climb up to the top of electric pole and down. We realized the fear of height until it was our turn to climb up the electric poles. The Taipower personnel must not only overcome the height, but also carry out high-risk maintenance work. They really got our respect. Furthermore, we should appreciate their hard work for bringing the convenience of electricity life.


© 2018∼2019 Taipei Municipal Shilin Junior High school