Category: Business and Community Organizations

Description of Our Community
It only takes 15 minutes on foot from Shilin Junior High School to Taipei Northern Region Branch of Taiwan Power Company. There are many kinds of services including the information desk, extra high voltage substations, electricity maintenance engineering vehicles, and maintenance electricians in Taipei branch company. If starting from Shilin Junior High School by car toward different directions, we can separately reach Guishan Power Plant, Taipower Exhibit Center in Northern Taiwan, First and Second Nuclear Power Plant, Shimen Wind Power Station, and Linkou Thermal Power Plant by one and half hour. Therefore, we really have great opportunities to explore these different types of power plants.

The Substation of Taipei North District located in Shilin

Shimen Wind Power Station

Summary of Our Project
There were 4 stages to do our research project. In the first stage, our project started knowing about the Taiwan power business development history from Qing Dynasty to nowadays. In the second stage, we understood the main electricity generation in Taiwan which such as thermal, nuclear power generation, and increasingly common wind power facilities by data collection and actual interview. In the third stage, we learned how to save power efficiently and use it safely through visiting the substation and electricians reminding. The last stage would be able to picture the future of Taiwan smart grid and the prospect of Smart City.

Power Infrastructure as Landscape - Taiwan Power Cultural Heritage

Our Computer and Internet Access
e gathered information together by academic networks and made the website in the computer room of school. We even arranged the data in our personal free time. We communicated each other by Line and Facebook to achieve the greatest effect of teamwork!

Problems We Had To Overcome

e spent two semesters to finish our research project website because there were many difficulties we had to overcome. The most common problem was arranging the timetable for the visit. It is necessary to match the time of the respondent and avoid the activities in the school like the inter-class competitions and exams. However, we only have limited time to finish visiting. We usually spent an afternoon on going out of the school for the visit. After visiting, we needed to deal with our records and reports as soon as possible. Once we had any questions or problems, our teachers would give their advice and solve the problems together in the discussion. We had more sense of achievement under the team work when the content of project website was getting more and more.

Our Project Sound Bite
he biggest problem in Taiwan now is energy. Whether it is electricity supply or green energy, it is one of the topics that everyone is currently most concerned about. We realized many things that we didn't understand at first, such as the disposal of nuclear waste, are not as everyone thinks. In fact, Taipower has already planned to handle the process and take safety measures. In addition, there is a small room on the upper end of the wind turbine's column, which allows maintenance personnel to go. Visiting the smart grid exhibition site of the Taipower Building let us see the future power development.
In the process of doing the topic, besides understanding new things, it has also broken many myths of media indoctrination. For example, air pollution is not completely caused by thermal power generation, honestly, vehicles cause a lot of air pollution as well. Newly built power plants have many friendly environment plans, such as adding filtering devices, avoiding pollutants, and greening the environment. Thus, migratory birds can also be observed near the Linkou Thermal Power Plant! After joining this research project, we share the correct knowledge with family, friends, and even other strangers and hope more and more people understand the importance of energy to cherish hard-won electricity in the daily life.


© 2018∼2019 Taipei Municipal Shilin Junior High school