

Skillful Reunion Course



According to the literature, I believe that everyone has an impression of the ancient dishes. Zhu Fangben still did not abandon the dish because of the broken ceramic, which made the era imprinted to be circulated. In addition, you can also appreciate the beauty of ceramics. His family has a collection of ancient early-day clams that are not visible on the market. It is the epitome of Taiwan's early life. Zhu Fangben is in line with the spirit of the ancients' love of things and cherish the blessings. The hand-filled nails make the cracked corner dishes reunion, and also regain the lost art. Ceramics stapling can reproduce the style. Thus, future generations can still enjoy the culture.

Fortunately, after inquiring the original collector Zhu Fangben in Yongjing, let us lead the way and explore the mystery of the ceramics stapling.

Wooden Toolbox With a Crane

Learning Old Skills

Zhu Fangben, a master of craftsman, was born in Yongjing Township, Changhua. He was originally engaged in the welding of metal products. When he was young, he was interested in the collection of old antiques in his home. In addition, the collection of ancient porcelain utensils was damaged, and he wanted to mend himself. In his mind, he thought that he once saw an elder who would have such a repair technique. So he learned from the elders the exquisite craftsmanship of the "ceramics stapling". The relative was already over 80 years old and had not repaired for a long time. All the tools are still piled up in the warehouse, and have not been lost. Fortunately, he can quickly learn from the relative. He learned how to repair the broken bowl and passed on this unique work. After learning the repair skill of the bowl from the relative, Zhu Fangben was immersed in the world of patching. Until now, it is 30 years.


Glutinous rice, Oyster shell ash, Sap, Copper


Ancient bamboo bow, Cone needle, Hemp rope, Scissors, Tweezers, Hammer, Pestles, Mortars

This is pestle and mortar used for glutinous rice. It is ancient bamboo pull bow for patching.
Cone Needle for Drilling Holes Scissors and Tweezers Used to Cut Copper Pieces to Make Copper Nails
Special Equipment of Ceramics Stapling It is ancient wisdom homemade trumpet for prompting to make up.

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