

Skillful Reunion Course



Love Ceramics Stapling,Just Buy and not Sell

"The perfect old antique porcelain costs millions of dollars. In order to play antiques, poeple usually deplete property. And even if it is perfect, it is not necessarily the right thing." Because of this incompleteness, Zhu Fangben can play without extravagant financial resources. Some of his collections are the real things in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Because of playing the old antiques, the collectors are much afraid of buying fake products. Only the ceramics stapling is lost due to technology (no one will deliberately break the dishes), 80% are authentic.

In the early years, the nails are often oxidized and detached over time. As long as they are carried carelessly, the whole ceramics stapling will disintegrate.

Although there is a vulgarity in the collection world: "Youth feeds the old antiques, and the old antique feeds the old."  Zhu Fangben never calculated the rate of return on investment, and did not dare to calculate how much money he spent.  Because he did not think about taking interest back. He was glad that he bought them mainly at the peak of the boom. He said with a smile: "Fortunately, I earned 30,000 to 40,000 dollars a day, or I have to come back to kneel on an abacus."

However, if it is not well preserved, the technology will eventually be lost. It is not easy to make up the old pieces now. People can't help but admire his investment vision. Because this kind of object has room for appreciation. It is just that he is in love with the ceramics stapling collection, but I am afraid there is never been a profitable day.

Spoon Repaired with Copper Nail

Spend 350,000 Dollars for Blue-and-White Dowry Vase

Which one is the most precious? He carefully moved out of the blue-and-white dowry vase. It took 350,000 dollars to buy the stapled vase. He accidentally said out the story from his mouth. Because the vase was secretly bought. At that time he spent 350,000 dollars. And he also needed to send a old antique to fawn the seller first. The other party was willing to sell.

Blue-and-White Dowry Vase Send an old antique to fawn first.

From the Opposition to a Treasure Hunt

Zhu Fangben once ran through the whole Taiwan. When he saw the old stuff, he asked  to cut love. He also reached agreement with the same person: "If you don't want it, sell it to me. But everyone will not sell it."

 Zhu Fangben said: "In the past, I hid things under the chair of a RV. After waiting for my wife to fall asleep, he secretly sneaked out. Until his wife was so angry that he would buy it and then his wife throw it away. Then he didn't dare to buy again." Once he bought one bird-cup. The bird-cup is painted with the five-jawed dragon dedicated to the emperor. The dragon body is powerful and sharp-clawed like an eagle. It should be a work of Qianlong period, which makes him willing to pay 120,000 dollars for it. The result is be scolded by his wife. He said: "Insane, to be crazy, 120,000 dollars to buy a cup will be put down."

Zhu Fangben’s wife laughed and said that the old antiques collected by others were worthless, but Zhu Fangben particularly love broken porcelain. At first, she did not agree, but Zhu Fangben told her to “educate the next generation to love and cherish things”; his wife said that he was "Kang Yu (Taiwanese: Fool)". Later, she saw him gain happiness. Finally, she was assimilated by Zhu Fangben, and she also pursued treasure together. Now his wife followed him to see the exhibitions here and there.She not only didn't oppose it, but also served as his spokesperson, explaining the process of "stapled porcelain" to the public and so on.

An old Antique Bottle


Leave it to Future Generations

Due to love stapled porcelain, Zhu Fang was willing to be a fool who was locked up.  He leaved the feelings of stapling and ancestors' love for the blessings as the best gift for future generations.

Just buy and not sell.  Educate the next generation of the virtue of loving things and cherishing things.

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