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Data Collection

|Photo: The Wondrous Temple Expedition|

Date collection includes: organizing relevant data on Fude Temple on Dianzai Street, introducing the tradition of worshipping, introducing common deities, news, and photos.

Word Processing

|Photo: The Wondrous Temple Expedition|

Word processing: afterthoughts for each activity; interview transcribing; questionnaire designing; progress report; activity log; designing presentations.

Graphic Design

|Photo: The Wondrous Temple Expedition|

Graphic design includes: team sign, deity puppets, storybooks, hand-drawn pictures, stop motion animations, guided tour video, mind map, and website clipart.


|Photo: The Wondrous Temple Expedition|

Activities include: level of participation and contribution on temple visits, temple guided tours, one-day janitor, in-class presentation during Earth God Week, play, divination lot drawing, project meeting, and winter school attendance.

Interview and Survey

|Photo: The Wondrous Temple Expedition|

Interview and survey includes: chairperson of Dianzai Street Fude Temple Foundation, temple commissioner, temple staffs, scripture reciting choir, charity hair-cut team, general public survey, worshipper survey

Webpage Design

|Photo: The Wondrous Temple Expedition|

Webpage design: organizing data; selecting pictures; analyzing questionnaires; graphic layout and design; website error checking and uploading.

Source Text: The Wondrous Temple Expedition │ Photos: The Wondrous Temple Expedition