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Jigai Ceremony

|Photo: The Wondrous Temple Expedition|

Jigai, also called Jijie, commonly known as luck replenishment or luck alteration. According to folk customs and records on the lunar calendar, every Chinese zodiac will face challenges in a particular aspect of life in each lunar year. Therefore, at the beginning of the lunar year, Fude Temple on Dianzai Street holds Jigai ceremony to help followers to improve their luck and bring peace and good fortune in the coming year. As for people in general, if you feel you have been having a particular streak of poor luck, you may go to a temple and ask for Jigai so deities may guide you back to the path to success.

Timing for Jigai

|Photo: The Wondrous Temple Expedition|

Since there is a huge demand for Jigai, Fude Temple on Dianzai Street usually pre-selects a few days on the lunar calendar and then ask the deities for choose two days for the annual Jigai ceremony.
During the two-day ceremony, there are two rounds in the morning and two more in the afternoon in each day for a total of eight rounds. Each round can accommodate more 300 people, so thousands of followers may get rid of poor luck.


Reminder from Mr. Zhang:
If you want to sign up for Jigai, you might want to register as early as November on the lunar calendar! If you are not sure whether you need to join the Jigai ceremony or not, the temple has prepared a list containing information on people who may need for Jigai in the coming year.

Ceremony of Jigai

|Photo: The Wondrous Temple Expedition|

On the day of Jigai, followers would first report to the temple and then write down his/her name, date of birth, and address on a proclamation (official statement meant for deities) and zhizha fortresses to signify the evil spirits and obstacles in the coming year and a zhizha figuring of the worshipper.
At the start of the ceremony, the Taoist monks would lead the group of followers to pray to the deities and then recite scriptures and proclamation in front of each follower. Afterwards, the proclamation and zhizha would be incinerated to signify the removal of evil spirits and obstacles. Those who are not able to make it to the temple for Jigai may prepare a piece of clothing ahead of time for the ceremony. After the ceremony, the clothing will receive a stamp that signifies the completion of Jigai ceremony.


Reminders form Mr. Zhang:
Since there are a lot of people joining Jigai ceremony, the temple has invited two Taoist monks for the ceremony. After the ceremony, don’t forget to put on the stamped clothing right away!

Preparation of Offerings

|Photo: The Wondrous Temple Expedition|

Followers may prepare duck eggs, raw pork, and bean curds as offerings for the Jigai ceremony. Duck eggs are meant to suppress evil spirits, raw pork is meant to feed the evil spirits so they wouldn’t come looking for you, and bean curds is meant to signify getting a promotion at work.

Source Text: The Wondrous Temple Expedition, interview with Fude Temple on Dianzai Street janitor leader │
Photos: The Wondrous Temple Expedition
Reference: National Religion Information Network – religion – religious ceremony – Jigai https://religion.moi.gov.tw/Knowledge/Content?ci=2&cid=3
BobeeNOW – religious ceremony – altering life with jigai removing obstacles in life https://bobee.nownews.com/20180402-20290?state=news
Dalongdong Baoan Temple – Jigai ceremony – Jigai to replenish luck https://www.baoan.org.tw/asp/Ceremony/ceremony1.asp?Id=59 1060208
[Digital Sky News] Fude Temple on Dianzai Street Light perpetual lights and Jigai to seek peace https://youtu.be/WjY3zxomdvw
Fude Temple on Dianzai Street lunar calendar booklet