Extended reading:

A letter to Daddy and Mommy Wu from the Office of Social Service on the day Xiaowei left for United States

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Wu,

Enclosed please find a few pictures of Xiaowei taken when you took him to the Pagua Mountain. Xiaowei became distraught right after he left your house. His new daddy from America gave him some toys, then he got distracted and calmed down. Thank you for being so understanding, calm and brave when saying good-bye to Xiaowei. It was not easy indeed. Unavoidably, most of foster parents fall apart when it comes to the time of separation with their foster children, but you chose to deal with it with courage and wisdom. Therefore, I can see that Xiaowei has also learned that from you.


In the car, even though Xiaowei was heart-broken, he asked with quiet tears, “When can I see Daddy Wu and Mommy Wu again?” “If I have to wait till I grow up …They would be very old already.” I was saddened when I heard these words. I can sense the profound bonding between you and Xiaowei.

01I am sorry that your request for exchange of contact information with Xiaowei’s adoptive family was denied, because of the regulations we have to comply with. But it would be no problem to keep in touch through the institution. The adoptive family will send the first report and some photos for evaluation six months later. One of the social worker from the institution told me that the search system in Taiwan for adopted children overseas is sound, even if the social worker responsible for the case leaves the job or the institution is no longer open, information concerning the adoption will still be in the government’s database. So if Xiaowei wants to find his roots, there won’t be any difficulties. You can rest assured of that.

Thank you for your care for Xiaowei during these three years. I almost break down in a cold sweat when I think of what could have happened to Xiaowei, if it had not been for you, considering his previous condition. There are not enough words to express our gratitude and we thank you also on behalf of Xiaowei.

Sincerely Yours

 Xin Ling

The Head of social Workers for Foster Family

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