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HanGuang People



Through interviewing and researching on HanGuang Vocal Band, everyone on the Cyberfair team got really enthusiastic about HanGuang Vocal Band and a cappella. Although singing classical poetry is not in line with the popular trend, the group felt it was something special and meaningful. When they sing these beautiful classical poetries in a cappella, they have not only shown the world their distinctiveness, but also taught us that these Chinese cultural heritages could be passed down through singing rather than memorization. We hope to learn more about their passion for HanGuang Vocal Band and a cappella through the interview.

Our Questions:

Soprano | Zhi-Ting Song


Years on the band:3
Notes taken by:Andrea

Singing with people who enjoy singing is such a joy. We are an a cappella band, without any accompanying music, so our presentation is different. Merging classical Chinese poetry with a cappella is what sets us apart, and this is something that HanGuang Vocal Band has been doing since its inception. Through the purest human voice, we are able to convey sounds of sorrow, joy, emotion, conception, scenery, or the surrounding to vivify plain text by merging it with music. To me, this is planning, as well as a challenge.


Soprano | Wei-Ju Chen


Years on the band:3
Notes taken by:Winnie

The idea behind HanGuang Vocal Band is to convey cultural education by promoting classical poetry. This is something very meaningful and more attractive than merely singing. Singing a cappella has changed from a hobby to a profession of mine. It has grown within me and allowed me to write a few songs for the band with what I have learned in song writing. My singing has improved under the guidance of our teacher, and I have gained more confidence to perform in front of an audience. With each one of us getting better in singing, I hope our band will become more solid and receive more performing invitations. I look forward to collaborating with bands from overseas to enrich our performance.


Alto | Xing-Lei Lee


Years on the band:3
Occupation:Piano teacher / Performing artist
Notes taken by:Vanilla

Since we are a group, not individual singers, we have to first learn collaborating with other group members. It was not easy to present the essence of classical poetry in a cappella. We have to first understand the poems thoroughly, and then we have to interpret their artistic conceptions. Our singing needs to show emotions, and our facial expressions and choreography need to fit the poems as well. It was lots of fun to join HanGuang Vocal Band. We are able to explore and chart many unknown melodies that have given us a tremendous amount of room to elaborate in our singing and performances. If you are interested, come and try it for yourself!


Tenor | Jin-Ying Lin


Years on the band:3
Occupation:Social worker
Notes taken by:Jessica

A cappella, to me, means a group, a few friends, or a family making quality music together. I like singing, and a cappella does not need any instruments, just putting a few people together and you have a band. This feeling of team cohesiveness is much stronger than those who rely on instruments or pre-recorded singing. Right after I joined the band, I had to learn a lot of the basics from scratch since I did not have any background in music. Unlike others who could just grab a score and start singing right away, I had to spend time just to keep up. I have learned a lot staying in HanGuang Vocal Band, even the way I read scores has improved. Furthermore, my mentality has also changed. I used to think for myself, but now I think for the betterment of the group. My confidence on stage is now much stronger than before. Unlike other groups that sing pop songs, we sing classical Chinese poetry. We want to promote classical poetry through a cappella to not just Taiwan, but also China. We would like them to feel our oriental culture and know that we are working on something so unique.


Baritone | Jing-Yuan Huang


Years on the band:3
Notes taken by:Ryan

I have always wanted to try a cappella because I have been in the choir ever since I was little, and I have been very interested in vocal harmony. The head of my choir, Ms. Yun-Hong Chen, recommended me to join this band that fuses classical poetry with pop music, which, I thought, was quite special. It was lots of hard work from the start. Besides picking up the songs, I had to put lots of effort into learning stage presentation and choreography. Music played with instruments has a pitch, but a cappella is played without instruments, so we must find the pitch on our own, and harmonize according to the lead singer. I hope we are able to maintain our uniqueness, which is a representation of Chinese culture. We may not be trending like popular music, but our uniqueness is going to be what separates us from the rest, giving us our own niche market. To me, my biggest reward after joining HanGuang Vocal Band has been making friends with this group of music lovers. Singing with them has been the biggest joy for me.


Bass | Jing-Hua Ji


Years on the band:2
Occupation:College student
Interviewer : Oliver
Notes taken by: Henry

I took the test then joined HanGuang Vocal Band through the recommendation from one of the seniors at my school. A cappella, to me, means everyone singing in harmony. As long as we can find the harmony, there will be a sense of blissfulness, just like we are in heaven. This is also why I like to harmonize with the lead singer. I was quite nervous and shy the first time on the stage. Even thought my stage fright has improved quite a bit, I still get a bit antsy in front of a large audience. I will do my best to overcome such anxiety because it is my job to put on a show for the audience. Furthermore, I have other band members beside me, so I am not alone. In the future, I hope we can try other styles of a cappella, such as techno, jazz, or sentimental, without abandoning the band;s original goal. This will also give us a chance to collaborate with other bands and let people know about us.


Vocal Percussion | Jing-Teng Lin


Years on the band:1
Occupation:College student
Interviewer : Henry
Notes taken by: Oliver

I am into beatbox, which is a lot like voice percussion in an a cappella band. However, beatboxing is more like a solo show, and I, on the other hand, like jamming with a group of friends. HanGuang Vocal Band is unique in that it combines poetry with music, which is something very original. Classical poetry is not popular in Taiwan since most of the younger generation is into pop music. We only got to know these classical poetries better after we started singing them in our music. The difficult part is not that we have to understand what we sing but helping the audience receive the message that we are trying to deliver across. Besides discussing among ourselves, we also have teachers giving us suggestions to help us interpret our music. In the future, I hope we can perform on stage with famous groups from around the world.


Source: the Beautiful Voices │ Pictures: the Beautiful Voices