------{ Time to serve the special dish }-------

We use our sweet potato leaves,gynuras , shallots, purslanes and Chinese

violets to entertain guests at a banquet .

At first, we discuss the dish we will cook in group.
Then, we record recipes and cooking methods. If there is any problem,
of course, we ask our mothers for help. We are so great !

Although occasionally a bit confused we still cook a table of good dishes.
We feel very interesting and happy.

                  Let’s take a look at little farmers’ special dishes !

Blanch sweet potato leaves with dried silverfish

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Little vegetakids: YONG-SIN ZHENG, YU-CHI LEE

Utensils: a pot for blanching sweet potato leaves, a crystal bowl for mixing sweet potato leaves with dried silverfish

Ingredients: fresh sweet potato leaves, saute dried fish, ginger, oil, salt


  1. Wash the sweet potato leaves, saute dried fish and shre ginger standing by.

  2. Put appropriate amount of oil, salt, ginger, dried fish in the crystal bowl

  3. Boil sweet potato leaves ,then put them into the crystal bowl

  4. Mix sweet potato leaves and seasoning well ,then the dish can be served

Chinese violet and meatball soup

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Little vegetakids: GUAN-YA CHEN, YI-CHENG WU

Utensils: A soup pot,a ladle

Ingredients: f resh Chinese violets, meatballs, broth, ginger, salt, oil


1. Wash Chinese violets and shred ginger

2. Add a little oil, meatballs, shredded ginger some salt in a pot of boiling water.

3. Wait the water boils again and put Chinese violets in it. When the soup boils, flame and serve.

Purslane salad

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Little vegetakids: YU-CHI LEE,YI-XUAN TSENG

Utensils: salad bowl, kitchen tongs,fork

Ingredients: fresh purslanes, tomatoes, corn, and Japanese sauce (salad dressing)


1. Wash purslanes and tomatoes standby.

2. Put the appropriate amount of purslanes in a salad bowl, add some tomatoes and sprinkle some corn grains in accordance with personal preference.

3. Finally, sprinkle Japanes sauce (salad dressing) and then it is ready be eaten.

Cabbage risotto

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Little vegetakids: SHENG-YAN TSAI, KAI-YU XU

Utensils: electric rice cooker, inner pot for cooking rice


A)2 cups of rice

B) shredded cabbages, shredded carrots

C) shattered pork, shallots, dried shrimps

D) 2 cups of broth, salt, soy sauce, pepper


1. Wash the rice standby

2. Washed cabbage and carrots. Shred them standby.

3. Saute shattered pork, shallots, dried shrimps. Add 2 cups of broth, salt, soy sauce and pepper for seasoning.Put all of them into the inner pot and mix well with rice.

4. Sprinkle shredded cabbages and shredded carrots on the rice. Add a cup of water in the electric outer pot.

5. Press the power switch. When the switch jumps up, take a rice spoon to flip all the ingredients . Braise for a while then it will be ready to serve.

Spring onion pie

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Little vegetakids: YAN-JUN LIN 、 SHU-HAN ZHUANG

Utensils: A pot for beating the flour, chop sticks, a pan, a spatula, a plate

Ingredients: Plain flour, chopped spring onions, eggs (optional), oil, a little sugar, soy sauce



1. Rinse the spring onions and chop them.

2. Add the flour, chopped spring onions, sugar, and the egg into the pot for beating the flour and start mixing.

3. Slowly add water into the pot multiple times, until the ingredients are evenly mixed and become half solid.

4. Add some oil into the pan and turn on the heat.

5. Add some of the paste made in Step 3 into the pan, flip over when the bottom becomes golden.

6. Pan fry until both sides are golden. You can add some soy sauce when serving.

Okinawan spinach mixed with garlic sesame oil

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Little vegetakids: HUANG,ZI-NING、CIOU,BO-HAO

Utensils: Iron pan, net drainer, crystal bowl for mixing vegetables, plate, chop sticks

Ingredients: Okinawan spinach, minced garlic, sesame oil, soy sauce

( can be replaced with salt)



1. Rinse the Okinawan spinach and chop up the garlic.

2. Add the minced garlic, sesame oil, and soy sauce into the crystal bowl.

3. Boil the water and cook the Okinawan spinach.

4. Take the cooked Okinawan spinach out and mix it with the ingredients in Step 2

5. After finish mixing place onto the plate and you’re ready to serve.


Organic herbal teas

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Little vegetakids: KAI-YU XU, CHENG-XUAN WU

Utensils: glass pots for herbal tea, cups

Ingredients: rosemary leaves, thyme leaves, boiling water, white sugar

(or crystal sugar)

  1. Wash rosemary leaves and thyme leaves .Drain them. Put an amount of rosemary leaves or thyme leaves into a glass pot.

  2. Pour boiling water into the glass pot which rosemary leaves (thyme leaves) are placed.

  3. Wait a few minutes then pour the herbal tea into cups to drink.

  4. When drinking,you can add sugar(crystal sugar) according to personal preferences.  


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