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About Wandan
      The administration of Wantan shifted from Fengshan County, through Kaohsiung State, Kaohsiung County, Pingtung city, and finally to Pingtung county till now. It is located in the mid of Pingtung plains, flat and rich in underground water. Ninety percent of its land was rezoned completely, Wantan is a typical agricultural township. Wide fertile plains, green crops, blue sky and green fields constitute Wandan’s elegant and simple scenery.
      The landscape of Wantan is flat, with abundant underground water, clay soils, good water retention, warm and humid weather. It is very suitable for growing rice, so has been the rice township for a long time. There are three farming periods, during one of which farmers plant rice, red beans, soybeans, bitter gourd, loofah, wax apple, and lemon, while they also raise milk cows, swine, poultry. Five main items are detailed as followed:
      1.Rice: The landscape of Wantan is flat, with abundant underground water, clay soils, good water retention, warm and humid weather. It is very suitable for growing rice, so has been a rice township for a long time. The planting is divided into two periods, with January as the first period and June as the second period. In January, the rice has high yield because of fine weather, accounting for a quarter of total production in Pingtung county. In June, farmers tend to switch to plant vegetables or lie fallow because of pest damage and low yield of rice.
      2. Red beans: Pingtung county has planted red beans since 1961 with native species as seeds. Within three years, the cash crops changed from soybeans and sweet potatoes to red beans because of its suitability for cake fillings and bigger sale opportunities. Moreover, businessperson exported red beans to Japan and triggered a craze for producing red beans. Among all read beans growers, Wandan yields the most amount and best quality, adored by business people and Japanese. Red beans thus become the local industry of Wandan.
      Wandan farming has the first period and the second period, the farmers use red bean, vegetables to harvest the red beans. Around Double tenth day, sowing the red bean, it's the first place in Pintung County; Red Bean is the main snack for marketing in Taiwan and overseas. For the cake industry, they make red bean products; as for drinks, they can make red bean ice, red bean soup and red bean can.
      3.Bitter gourd: Wandan use of the the Kaoping river and two rice during kinds of rice, replant vegetables, more acreage bitter gourd, about 30-50 hectares planted bitter melon in two ways: one for the tunnel shedrack, so bitter gourd climb in the tunnel scaffolding knot bitter gourd suit with a black plastic bag, fruit drooping harvest hand touch judge another mounding, straw mulch plot, bitter gourd results in real time, covered with cotton woolharvest to be bent down to check, harvest than hard. Bitter melon: Bitter with sweet, there are a variety of eat, salad, juice, meat stuffed bitter melon soup, otherwise a bitter melon pineapple chicken also earned rave reviews.
      4.Milk: There are 89 dairy farmers in Wandan, divided into five dairy stations, two cooperatives, and a private company. The total number of milk cattle is 13230, producing milk averaged 3,433,139 kg, ranked the top second township.
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