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Health Benefits and Nutrition of Red Beans
      Red bean has been unique food indispensable for the Easterners. During festivals or holidays, it will be used to symbolize luck. According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica" and traditional medicine, red bean tastes flat sweet, non-toxic and can reduce water retention, cure beriberi epidemic and strengthen spleen. The nutrients in red beans include vegetable protein, potassium, leucine, vitamin B, and various amino acids, which were thought to help epidemic prevention in the past.
      1. Culinary uses: Rich in starch and sugar, red beans are used in sweetened cuisines and cakes, red bean powder, red bean paste, yokan, and canned red beans. It is also rich in protein and vitamin B, and can offer enough energy when made into soup with peanuts, wheat germ, and garlic. In the process of digestion, its bean fibers can produce gas in intestinal ways. Generally, sugar is added to increase the taste of cooked red bean; however people with weak stomach and spleen will suffer discomfort from Chinese medicine perspective. Adding a little bit salt when boiling red beans can help discharge the gases.
      2. Medicinal uses: Eating red bean soup can cure water retention, beriberi epidemic, and a yellowish pigmentation of the skin, because it contains Sapnin. Covering the affected area with red bean paste and drinking its soup can sure mumps, erysipelas and infected bumps. Symptoms of lacking vitamin B can also be relieved by eating red bean soup, without doctor's prescription. (Compendium of Materia Medica) red adzuki bean: sweet, sour and flat. heat-clearing and detoxicating, invigorating spleen and stomach, diuretic swelling, ventilation Chufan, treatment of dysuria, spleen edema, beriberi embolism.
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