Din Tai Fung Oil Company 

       Din Tai Fung is famous because of its steam pork dumplings; however, the original business that the founder, Yang Bingyi, had was the Din Tai Fung Oil Company.

      Yang Bingyi was born in Shanxi, China and came to Taiwan in 1948. He worked in Heng Tai Fung Oil Shop and met his wife, Lai Peng Mei. In 1958, Heng Tai Fung Oil Shop was closed because of the loss of the investment.

      Yang Bingyi and his wife decided to open their own oil company and named it Din Tai Fung. They combined the names “Din Mei Oil Shop” and “Heng Tai Fung” together and created the new name. The new name presented their appreciation of the assistance from the previous boss.

      Due to their diligent work and the quality oil, the business and the reputation of Din Tai Fung grew rapidly. Yang Bingyi and his wife decided to expand their business, so they moved the oil company to Xinyi Road, where the first Din Tai Fung Restaurant started.


     Din Tai Fung Oil Company〈Provided by Din Tai Fung 〉