The Extravaganza of Classical and Samba Lion Dance
Website Map The Origin Learning Performances Ambassadors Interview Questionnaire Activities Narrative
Publicizing within the Community
Promoting the project to our fellow students and teachers
Promoting the project to our fellow students and teachers
Introducing the Classical Lion
Introducing the Samba Lion
Mr. Lin participating in our events


  On Friday, March 11th, 2011, we introduced the Cyberfair to our fellow students and teachers at our morning assembly. We began with the origins of Classical Lion Dance, different types of lion dance and lion headpiece making, how lion heads were made with materials like dustpans, newspaper, rice paper, plastic cords, nonwoven fabric and metal wires, how lion features were shaped, how newspaper and rice paper were glued, how patterns were outlined and colored, how manes and ears were fabricated and attached, then we showed them the headpieces that we had made.

  After that came the introduction of the Samba Lion, our experiences with street parades and the manufacturing of lion masks. We explained how masks were made with cardboard boxes, newspaper, paint, straw and other decorations, how we made templates, glued on newspaper, painted the bases, outlined and colored the lion faces, tied straw in bunched to make manes, then attached decorations to the masks, and of course we also showed them the results of our handiwork.


The lower grades casting their vote
The middle and higher grades casting their vote
The winning Samba Lion mask


  In addition to the introductions made above, we also held a vote for the best Samba Lion mask. We lined up six Samba Lion masks, placed each mask on a chair and a bowl in front of each chair. Each student was given a Weiqi chess piece, then we asked the students to place their chess piece in the bowl in front of the Samba Lion mask that they found most aesthetically pleasing.

  Class after class lined up to cast their votes, and after everyone had voted, we began tallying the votes. We had a special method for tallying as well, which was that we asked entire student body to count, and with each increasing number, the team members holding the masks would take out a chess piece from the bowls. The bowl with the last remaining chess piece would be the winner of the competition. The tallying process was incredibly exciting, with each and every one of use keeping watch on who had just removed their last chess piece. Towards the end only two competitors remained, and after a little while it was revealed that the mask made by Chiaofang had won the vote.


Students writing questionnaires
Watching eBooks in reading class
Watching our video in computer class


  We presented copies of our video and eBooks to every teacher at our school as well as our headmaster, and asked them to act as our Cyberfair Ambassadors, to help promote our research objective:"The Extravaganza of Classical and Samba Lion Dance".

  We would like to express our profound gratitude for the support and cooperation of our teachers, for letting students watch our video and eBooks during class time. We would also like to thank our fellow students for filling out the questionnaires, it is because of your contribution that our research is what is it today.


Watching eBooks in computer class
Watching our video in computer class
Watching our video in lifestyle class