1. GAN BAN¡G within half beat sings out two words. sign¡i__ ¡j.
¢æ Mai Gua Zi¡A(Sell melon seeds)
¢æ Da Ke Shui¡A(fall into a doze)
¢æ Hua La La La Sa Le Zhe Me Yi Da Dui. (with a crash make a noise spill so large heap)

Score example¡G
Push down the little panda, then follow to read aloud one time

2. RANG BAN¡G after space half beat, then start to sing, sign¡i ¡´ ¡j.
¢æ Bai Fu Bing Zhi¡A
¢æ Qian Xiang Yun Ji¡A
¢æ Wan Shi ¡´Ru Yi¡C

Score example¡G
Push down the little panda, then follow to read aloud one time

3. FU BAN¡Gextend one fourth beat, sign¡i¡ã ¡j.
¢æ Rao Kou Ling¡A
¢æ Shun Shu Liu¡A¢{
¡³ Zan Men Xian¡ãZhe Mei Shi Liu She Tou¡C

Score example¡G
Push down the little panda, then follow to read aloud one time
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