

 The daily activities and habits of aboriginal life cannot occur without co-existence with nature and wild animals. Since the living methods, taboos and social rules were established in close relationship with nature, hunting had not only become an essential part of living but was also a method for men to enter adulthood and become warriors. Thus a “hunting culture” that respects nature and humanity was formed.

 Hunting can be grouped into regular and ceremonial. While the crops were growing the men sat up traps alone and took hunt-dogs in group hunts. Ceremonial hunts occurred prior to harvest where ceremonial members formed a hunting party to hunt for animals to be consumed during the festival.

 Without the passage of this hunting culture the precious forestry knowledge and mountaineering skills would have been lost and survival would be difficult, therefore the mountain hunting methods and practices were not lost to the wheel of time and still affect the tribe’s thinking and society. However this unique “cultural heritage” is heading towards extinction, due to differing policies and changes in the environment. Thus in future, other than strengthening the tribal cultural education and bestow proper “hunting culture” to the tribesmen, the society should also be called upon to regard the importance of maintaining cultural heritages. The tribal hunting culture should be respected and conservation laws and national park laws should be put in place to allow for tribal resource management by allocating traditional hunting areas. A change in management policies and nature conservation that utilizes the skills of aborigines, in order to consolidate the duties of environmental preservation, is the most important task at hand.

There are roughly two major hunting methods:

  1. Traps:Traps vary in size and are used according to the size of prey. Rope-traps are also used and either catches the head or leg. Trap placement requires experience to determine whether a path is used by animals, the type of animal and the direction it will travel in. Traps require great wisdom and are an intellectual method to catch prey.
  2. Rifles (or bows):The hunter carries rifles or bows and catches prey by shooting. It is simpler and more brutal, and the equipment is selected according to the hunting environment and prey.

Researched and recorded by: Hsiao-ning, Hsiao-rong, Hsiao-rou, Hsiao-wen

