Development of Agriculture and ForestryTourism-orientated AdvanceForest ManagementImprovement of the Ecological Environment

         Far from Zhou dynasty, Chinese government had already set up officers in mountains to manage the forest. Reading the fable in “Zhou Li,” we thus realize that “one should limit the amount of wooden forests’ cutting; otherwise, our descendants won’t have enough ones to develop.”




         It’s an ugly truth that the cutting down of the early mountain area has already caused the severe injure upon our primary forests. The area which suffers more damage from excessively cultivating than others is the state-run original forests. What we experience from the wild natural environment is its beautiful, elegant, and graceful scenery. It not only provides us a completely relaxed and cheerful playground, but also delights our spiritual and philosophical life. However, without taking good care of our natural surrounding, we keep on damaging its precious life. It’s such a catastrophe that this kind of careless behavior straightly leads to the brokenness of the mountains, rivers, and our families. Forests, which adapt or imitate the management of the natural forests, will retain their charming appearance as ingenious natural forests. In addition, these kinds of forests, which are fostered on the schedule, will dispose evenly and healthily, where one’s vision is always fresh and bright. Meantime, people could observe that there are numerous kinds of lichen, fungus, and moss on the ground. Adding with the planned forest pavement that marvelously merges into the natural environment, we not only see rich forests resources, but also enjoy ourselves in this natural playing field, which offers people a lovely and safe space for recreation.  

             In the past, what people care the most is whether the forest can offer our humankind enough woods or not. Nevertheless, people take notice of nowadays is how to satisfy people’s demand, and benefit our descendants at the same time. Consequently, the future management of the forest should give consideration according to three aspects: the ecological preservation, economic feasibility, and social acceptability.