



Kaohsiung Geography


Kaohsiung is located in southwestern Taiwan. It is one of the six municipalities directly under the Central Government of the Republic of China and the third largest city in Taiwan. Today, the area of ​​Kaohsiung administrative area is 2946.2671 square kilometers, and the total population is about 2.77 million [1]. There are 38 administrative regions, of which 11 belong to the former Kaohsiung city and 27 belong to the former Kaohsiung county. The area of ​​high mountain land in Kaohsiung is 1555.0398 square kilometers (52.78%), and the area of ​​hills and plains is 1391.2273 square kilometers (48.22%). The city occupies 8.14% of the country [2]. The longitude and latitude of Kaohsiung City are 22 ° 28 'to 23 ° 28' N. East longitude 120 ° 10′32 inches to 121 ° 01′15 inches. In addition, the Dongsha Islands are located in the southwest of Taiwan's main island. Latitude and longitude positions are 116 degrees 24 'to 116 degrees 55' east longitude and 20 degrees 35 'to 47' north latitude. The longitude and latitude of Dasha Island in the Nansha Islands is 10 degrees 22 minutes north latitude. East longitude 114 seconds 21 minutes 59 seconds.


二、Geographical environment of Kaohsiung Geography

Population About 2.77 million
Area About 2951.8524 square kilometers
Geogra phical location Kaohsiung is adjacent to Hualien County and Taitung County in the east, to Taiwan Strait in the west, Linyuan District to Pingtung County in the south, and to manage Dongsha Island and Nansha Taiping Island in the South China Sea, and to the north of the Yushan Peak in Taoyuan District, adjacent to Chiayi and Tainan.
Climate Tropical monsoon climate


三、District of Kaohsiung City(District)

Nanzi District另開新視窗 |  Zuoying District 另開新視窗 |  Gushan District另開新視窗 |  Sanmin District另開新視窗 |  Lingya District 另開新視窗 |  Xinxing District另開新視窗 Qianjin District另開新視窗 |  Yancheng District另開新視窗 |  Qianzhen District另開新視窗Qijin District另開新視窗 | Xiaogang District另開新視窗 |  Fengshan District另開新視窗 Maolin District另開新視窗 |  Jiaxian District另開新視窗 |  Liugui District另開新視窗 |  Shanlin District另開新視窗 |  Mino District另開新視窗 |  Neimen District另開新視窗 Renwu District另開新視窗 |  Tianliao District另開新視窗 Cishan District另開新視窗 Ziguan District另開新視窗 Alian District另開新視窗 Hunei District另開新視窗 Gangshan 另開新視窗 District另開新視窗另開新視窗 Solanum 另開新視窗 District另開新視窗 另開新視窗 Luzhu District另開新視窗 Torishima 另開新視窗 District另開新視窗 另開新視窗另開新視窗 Yongan District另開新視窗 Yanchao District另開新視窗 Dashu 另開新視窗 District另開新視窗 另開新視窗 Daliao 另開新視窗 District另開新視窗 另開新視窗 Linyuan 另開新視窗 District 另開新視窗 Mituo District 另開新視窗 Qiaotou District 另開新視窗 Dashe District 另開新視窗 Namaxia 另開新視窗 District另開新視窗 另開新視窗  Taoyuan District 另開新視窗

四、City flag city emblem


五、Kaohsiung Sanshan

The three mountains of Kaohsiungn, that is means refers to the three areas of Gangshan Dst 、Fengshan Dist、Qishan Dist in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Old Kaohsiung CountyKaohsiung's county emblem is a symbol of "three mountains in one".



六、Kaohsiung City Flower (Kapok)


Kaohsiung City Government World Wide Web-Meet Kaohsiung:




Data collection: Zhang Anyan