Thanks for your time to fill in this questionnaire, it mainly discusses your point of view about qipao. It is anonymous survey and the information you provide in the questionnaire is for academic research only; we won’t give it to others so please feel free to fill it. Your opinions are very important to us, therefore please answer it according to your real thinking. Thanks for your kind assistance.
1. gender
□ male □ female
2. What’s the age distribution?
□ 30 years and younger
□ 31-49 years
□ 50 years and older
3. What’s your opinion about wearing qipao?
□ like it very much □ so so □ dislike
4. What is the age group of qipao in your opinion?
□ elderly □ of all ages □ depends on its design
5. If you need to wear qipao, what kind of style do you prefer?
□ traditional style □ reformed style □ combine traditional with western style
6. Do you think if qipao can represent Chinese culture?
□ Yes □ No □ No comment
7. What occasion do you often see people wearing qipao?
□ wedding ceremony □ funeral □ daily life □ others:_________
8. If you were a costume designer, would you like to do some creation with qipao as the element?
□ Yes □ No
9. Do you think if there is any chance that qipao can have a place in world fashion industry?
□ Yes □ No □ No comment

Statistics and analysis according to the questionnaire
There were 100 questionnaires been sent out in total, 80 questionnaires were took back, 72 questionnaires returned, and 8 questionnaire counted as invalid:


In this questionnaire, because we took random way, men were more than women. Because we discuss the inherited and innovative of techniques in qipao, both men and women are important. Therefore, there may not be much influence on the results.

2.What’s the age distribution?

In this questionnaire, the people willing to fill in the form are mainly young people under 30 years old. They may give us much more valuable opinions for the inherited questions of qipao.

3.What’s your opinion about wearing qipao?

In the questionnaire, there are more than 61% people don’t have special feeling in qipao, and they tell us general people don’t have special interest in qipao.

4.What is the age group of qipao in your opinion?

Through this questionnaire, we are really surprise that there are more than half of people (55.6%) think because different designs can have different feelings.

5.If you need to wear qipao, what kind of style do you prefer?

Because most are young people who answer the questionnaire, almost half people (48.6%) prefer combining with modern style such as traditional and western qipao style. But there are still twenty percent people (22.2%) who like traditional style.

6.Do you think if qipao can represent Chinese culture?

In the questionnaire, most people (70.8%) think qipao represents Chinese culture.

7.What occasion do you often see people wearing qipao?

In the questionnaire, most of them (66.7%) only see people wearing qipao in weddings. Few of them see people wearing qipao in daily life. But you can see qipao in some occasions, such as performance, award ceremony, video game’s character, movie, etc.

8.If you were a costume designer, would you like to do some creation with qipao as the element?

From questionnaires, most people (86.1%) still take the element of qipao as ideas in design. It means people are very persistent in Chinese culture.

9.Do you think if there is any chance that qipao can have a place in world fashion industry?

More than 70% (75%) people think qipao will have an important role on the stage of international clothing. It might be because there are some brands like Shiatzy Chen which already brought attention on the International catwalks.