Japanese grocery store

Little Japan in the market-歐景媗

Is this Japan?

Walk into the market through the noisy food stalls.
We stopped at the door of a grocery store.
This grocery store is full.
A dazzling array of goods.
But a closer look, the above is written in Japanese, people think that born in Japan, is a Japanese-style grocery store that has been a hundred years old.
The name is Fengrong Food.
As for why there are Japanese grocery stores in the traditional market of Taiwanese people?
It is because as early as the Japanese rule, this is where many Japanese people consume.
In order to supply the needs of the Japanese, so monopoly.
A Japanese grocery store that specializes in selling an item and food.
It was opened in one room.

Welcome to Little Japan

The owner of Fengrong Foods is an amiable grandmother. When we walked in, he warmly greeted us.
Also generously ask us to eat candy.
I am also happy to accept our visit.
In the beginning, he first introduced us to a variety of seasonings, and there was a special boiled pork gravy.
Eat hot pot special grapefruit sauce.
Take the sushi-stained miso sauce and a variety of flavored seasoning packs.
Among them, her most recommended is the brand of Huai Xiashi. He is more delicious because of the addition of firewood, so vegetarians can't eat it.
He also taught us to make some simple Japanese dishes.
Like miso soup and sushi, Miso soup is made by adding the flavor, onion and chopped green onion.
This will make a delicious miso soup.
The sushi rice is made with vinegar-filled rice.
But when doing it, don't add a lot, one at a time, so it won't be too sour.

The secret of buying and selling.

When we asked how to pick the goods to be sold, the proprietress told us without hesitation.
In fact, these products are recommended by metropolitan manufacturers. If you think it is not bad, sell it first. If the customer's response is good, then continue to sell.
If the reaction is not as expected, then it will be eliminated.
In this way, always try to find out what kind of guests like.
The proprietress felt that the job was very hard, but it was also interesting because he liked the guests to recommend what they needed.
You also like to chat with guests.
Talk about what happened this time, but he felt that the hard part was to move things.
Because things are very heavy, so sometimes the waist will still hurt.
The proprietress said that most of the patrons are old guests, and there are some young people or Japanese who work in Taiwan.
But compared to the past, the guests are getting less and less.
He hopes that the government can help promote it, when the market's stores can have more customers.
After reading this article, you may wish to try it out at Fengrong Foods.

"Japanese style" grocery store-閆宇彤

Many times of inheritance

When she met her for the first time, she was kind and friendly. This Japanese groceries, called "Hung Lung Foods", has a history of 100 years. It is like the mother of Yang, who wants to know about the Japanese. These two stores are the source of everything. As soon as I entered, the boss greeted us graciously and then began to learn about the store. I also asked her about the second market. In fact, we have been thinking about it for a long time. Why are there so many shops selling Japanese goods? The proprietress Auntie replied that it was because of the Japanese-style architecture, and there were Japanese people who bought the goods, but it was originally because of inheritance. Inherited by the proprietress's grandfather, it should be of great significance to her.

How do products choose?

"In the middle of the year, it should be the busiest for the New Year." Aunt said to us, the most famous is the shark's fin, abalone, We told the proprietress that I had been to a shop that sells dried fish. There are also canned abalone in it. The best of the two countries is Chile and Mexico. It looks ordinary, but it has a surprising taste. Although I don't eat it, I can't help but keep my mouth. There is also the bonito sauce, sukiyaki sauce, etc. Later, we thought of how many products were chosen? That is the manufacturer telling you if you want to try it. If it is not good, you can remove it. If you want to buy it, please recommend it. If you like it, buy it.

Auntie really happy

We actually wanted to ask the proprietress about the problem because we sold a lot of sauce on the shelf, so we asked her, What is the best place to eat boiled meat sauce? Is it boiled meat sauce, hot pot sauce? It is grapefruit sauce. Which kind of wind salad dressing is best to eat? It is this, and the sauce, There is also egg yolk salad dressing, argan sushi sauce? Japanese style pork cutlet sauce? Which miso is the best selling? Zikang, medium vinegar, Jinghuaishi miso and bonito. Auntie answered our questions in order, and Auntie was so powerful that she could answer it. She said that almost all old customers and some young people came here. I love to chat with the guests, I feel very happy, and then the hardest thing to move, but now with her son to help, not so hard.

Warmness, interaction and love

As long as you come to this warm market, you can find that there are small families, full of human touch, and the warmth and interaction of this mother and child. You can find out that from this small grocery store, love never stops.

Second market manager

10/23(二)Interview with the second market administrator at 10:00 in the morning

journalist: 清如、景媗
Second Market Manager: Mr. Chen

Regarding the second vegetable market, we read

1. The market has a so-called Lok booth, etc. Why do you want to score? Can you sign up for the store you want to participate in?

2. Usually those professionals are invited to rate? Will they look at the places in a booth to rate? (Health? Goodness? Decor?)

3. We see that you also have activities for students to guide, and rarely see the food market and special guided services. Why do you want to do this? (Listen to what he said)
Usually what content do you share, can children understand?
We saw on the Facebook page that the store also entertained the children to eat for free. Are these stores asking for it? It feels like a matter of spending money. Why are shop owners willing to do this?

4. We saw that Taichung City had a marketing campaign in the traditional market in 2018. From which year did the activity start? The purpose of this activity is?
(If only this year is open? You can ask why there are special reasons from this year)
Why is this traditional marketing campaign not the second market in Taichung?

5. There are many traditional markets in Taiwan that will also organize a group to communicate with you. We have seen a few interesting contents in the information, we would like to ask you:
a. What is the transformation of the vegetable market? Why does the vegetable market need to be transformed? And how does the secondary market transform, and what does the market do?

b. What is the market tourism? What are the benefits of tourism? Is the second market sightseeing? What are the advantages of the second market tourism?

What kind of sightseeing does it belong to? What is your imagination of the future of the market?

6. We found that the managers of the vegetable market need to do a lot of things, such as doing communication activities, guiding tours, conducting evaluations, and organizing activities. What are your work content? Working time? Do you like your work? Most want to share with us the interesting things in the work?

Different administrators

In this class, we have to study about the second market. One part is of course access. We must study the market and of course look for the market administrator.

Changes in the market

In order not to go to the administrator directly without knowing anything, we have already checked it before that. Moreover, at some booths, I saw the medals of Taichung City’s famous music stalls. After the introduction of my uncle, I learned the meaning of the music and life stalls. Although the administrator uncle has been promoting the plan to transform into the vegetable market, some stores feel that they have enough guests. Or if you take part, you have to waste time trying to get a review. So I don't want to participate. The transformation of the vegetable market is like a dry meat, turning its own vendors like small restaurants. The glamorous appearance can attract more customers to come and consume.

Why have a market administrator

Visiting what you usually do, besides reminding you of every activity, cleaning, supervision, etc., in all things, Uncle thinks that the hardest job is to hold an event, because as long as you have to work every day, you can't rest for a whole day. And when you go out to patrol, if there is a dispute between the vendors, you have to help solve the problem, and colleagues in the office will also assign some work. Helping each other. Last year was the 100th birthday of the second market, and held a grand table banquet, let us discover that the second market has a long history. From the Japanese occupation to the present. Uncle also has a hexagonal building that takes us to the middle of the market. The former hexagonal building was a lookout. From there, you can see the situation of all the vendors selling the market. Why is the observatory disappearing now? Although the uncle did not speak But because of my curiosity, I checked it. The result was because I added tin on the market. So I couldn’t see anything. After the renovation of the hexagonal building, there was no more, and the center of the hexagonal building became a small library. Introducing the history of the old marketers in the second market, the utensils used in ancient times, where the volunteers were a husband, An old woman, they are very kind to us, and let me once again experience the human touch in the second market.

Management of one of the management positions After listening to my uncle's sharing, I couldn't help but ask a question: "Why do you want to be a market administrator?" Uncle smiled and answered me. Actually, it was not my choice. I took the annual national special test after I finished the study. After the uncle was admitted to the government and then assigned work, he became a market administrator. I asked: "Why don't you retake the exam?" Uncle said that because every exam must be fully prepared, why did he take the exam again? I realized that it was not easy for a market administrator to go through the trial of the state. Everyone has a lot of responsibilities, nothing is different!

Go! Visit

Talk to people in those markets

At 10 o'clock in the morning, we walked into the crowded vegetable market and prepared to visit the market manager in the second market. Why should we access the administrator? Because our research topic is the second market, so if you want to find someone who can have a lot of knowledge about the second market, to accept our visit, then this is not the administrator. I think it is not easy to manage a market! Before we had discussed a lot of materials in the classroom, I hope that this time will have the greatest gain.

Passing through the lively market, we came to a quiet little room where some people were working quietly, and there was a look of about thirty years old, looks like Sven, The tall and thin people stood up and welcomed us. I was surprised that he was the market manager, because in my print, The market administrator should be a little older person to be right! But he is very responsible, not inferior to experienced administrators.

Loth "New" booth

He introduced us to the awards of the Lok Star booth that I saw along the way. He said that this is an activity that all booths can participate in. The scoring items include product quality, booth design and service quality. He strongly encourages booths in the market to participate in the Lok Star booth, as this allows the booths to compete with each other. Get better and let more people spend. The fairness of the game, the administrator explained that they have asked Feng Chia University professors and government officials to help score.

The bitterness and harvest of the vegetable market manager

In addition, the administrator's uncle's work also includes holding activities, managing projects, helping to calm the disputes between the vendors, the cleanliness of the market, the disposal of garbage... He feels that his work is very hard, because sometimes because of certain things, often go home very late, sometimes even the holidays have to come to the market to work, But he added that this work brought him a lot of gains, because when going to the market to patrol, Some old vendors with rich wisdom and wisdom will share their experiences with him and make him full.

Marketing activities should also be "rotated"?

For the second market, which is a century old market but not listed in one of the marketing activities, he explained that the second market had hosted a grand 100th birthday event last year. This year, it should be the turn of other markets, otherwise some markets may not be taken care of. The purpose of this activity is to enable the public to have a different view of the vegetable market. And go inside and spend sightseeing.

Next 100 years

Speaking of his uncle's expectations for the vegetable market, he said that he hopes that the vegetable market can be transformed into a tourism market, but the transformation requires a new generation of people to work together. Therefore, he is very supportive of the new generation of people to start business in the vegetable market, branding the things in the market, and continuing to operate until the next hundred years.

Creating Business Opportunities

In this visit, I am most interested in the activities of the Lok Star booth. I think this event is really interesting. Just like some restaurants have the title of “five-star hotel”, some restaurants have the same label as “Michelin Samsung”, and the market vendors also have their own rating activities. It is the activity of "Live Star", but I also think that some famous vendors have not participated in this activity. I guess the music star booth may be to allow more customers to participate in the store. But those famous stores already have a lot of customers, so you don't need to rely on Lexingxing to increase customers.

Sixty years tailor shop

Sixty years tailor shop-林清如

Little bit by bit, tailor shop in the corner

The first sight of joy

In the afternoon, when we have enough to eat, we will set up a tailor's shop called “Jade Girl Fashion” in the second market. Although this store is not particularly obvious, we have chosen to come to this sign with the passing of time. And a tailor-made tailor shop run by a grandmother! As soon as we reached the door, we called out: "Auntie! We are here again! (Taiwanese)" When I saw Grandma, Auntie was still making a shirt! When my grandmother heard it, she suddenly stopped the work at hand and looked up and said to us: "You are coming again! Hehe!" Smiled and looked at us laughing at us! We walked into the tailor shop and started a wonderful visit chat~

Grandma's tailor shop

"Wow! Grandma, you have been learning to make clothes since so early!" You can hear us speak loudly from the outside! What the hell is going on? It turned out! It’s because Grandma started learning to dress when she was 17 years old when she was young! Grandma is now 78 years old! The tailor was studied near the Mazu Temple in Nanxun, and was later married here. I used to be a tailor, and I was doing work selling things. The name of this store, um~ Grandma said it is because of good memory. The name that is convenient to take, there is no special meaning!

Hey! Someone is coming!

As he spoke, there was suddenly an aunt coming in to ask Grandma to make a special dress she wanted. Aunt came in and took a piece of cloth. He told his grandmother that he wanted to make a shirt. He had a bow on his cuff and listened. Grandma took a book that was designed to draw a large amount of size, painted on it, painted a picture, and drew a shirt that the guest wanted. Then Grandma took a ruler and quickly measured the waist and shoulder width. When the waist was in the waist, Grandma also cares about Auntie: "It's too thin! Eat a little more! (Taiwanese)" Simple little care makes Aunt smile! Grandma continues to measure, It will measure several places quickly! Before the aunt left, we asked why I like to come here and ask my grandmother to make a special order. Making it? Auntie said, "Because my grandmother's skills are good and professional, I can understand what she is saying when she says this!

Reminiscence photos on the table

At this point, I went to the table where my grandmother painted the design. I actually found a lot of pictures of my grandmother and my family under the pad on the table. I think it may be because the children and grandchildren usually go to work, so there is no way to see them often. Just put the photo under the table mat, you can feel the warmth when you see the photo at work!

Degenerate production techniques and professional knowledge

Going to my grandmother, I found that the aunt had already sewed the two sleeves of the shirt that I just started to see! When we had to return to our grandmother, we also asked the aunt a question, "Which kind of cloth is suitable for summer and winter clothes?" Grandma said that the summer is "hemp yarn"; in the winter, it is "wool". After listening to it, I think I can go to the store to buy the clothes. The clerk knows what the summer fabric is!

See you next time, hey!

Our visit has come to an end, and we reluctantly say goodbye to our grandmother, because the school has to go back to class and can’t stay too long. So we have to tell my grandmother! I am very happy that I can go to the tailor shop to see my grandmother and visit my grandmother. This also made me learn a lot about clothes, like the material of clothes! I hope I can come here next time to chat with my grandmother! Auntie, we will see you next time!

Continue the superb tailor shop-閆宇彤

Special Grandma

Today is the day to interview the tailor shop, we took the car to the second market to prepare for the interview, and stepped in, I found that my boss’s grandmother is making clothes. This should be the first time I’ve been so close. As soon as we entered, we greeted my grandmother and started an interview.

Chat moments

Grandma is 78 years old, but she continues to wear clothes. She tells us that she is best at making suits, shirts, coats, coats. From time to time, some old customers will come here to ask her to make clothes. When she finishes, there will be an aunt who came in and told her grandmother to do the shirt. To the kind of bow, Grandma listened to it and immediately knew what kind of clothes she wanted, and then began to draw on the paper. After drawing a picture, I started to measure things like a ruler. After the aunt left, we visited her and said why the clothes were made to the aunt. She said that because her grandmother's technology is very good, she likes to do it for her. Later, I asked my grandmother a lot of questions. Grandma told us that she is a Xiqiao. She began to learn tailoring from the age of seventeen, studied in Nanxun, and later married to work here, originally selling things, we saw a lot of clothes on the wall. Grandma said that it was to be sold. Before we had time to do it, we also knew that one is equal to thirty centimeters. One is equal to ten, and one inch is equal to three centimeters.

Where does the cloth come from?

Grandma’s cloth is from Dihua Street in Taipei, and the name of the jade girl has no special meaning. Just because it is better to remember, she also said that the material that is easier to dissipate heat in summer is the material of hemp yarn. In winter, it is necessary to wear wool. Today I really learned a lot about tailoring. Some people may want to learn, but I am sorry, Grandma said she would not teach. Sorry. The tailor's shop is open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, and you can ask her to help with the clothes!

Tailor shop full of years of traces - Ou Jingwei

Tailor shop full of years of history

At noon, through the lively snack stalls, we stopped in front of a small, distinctive shop. Compared with other stores, it is relatively deserted. This is a tailor shop, and the traces left by the years can be seen in its plaque texts and pictures.

Jade Tailor Shop

Today we are interviewing the owner of the Jade Girl's Cutout Shop, a experienced seamstress who, when we go in, She is sewing a shirt, she has finished a sleeve in a blink of an eye, and she can also operate the tailoring machine. While chatting with us, the skills of one-mindedness are admirable.

Starting at Ma Ma Temple

From the interview, we know that the 78-year-old aunt, who is a Xiqiao, began to be an apprentice in front of the Ma'an Temple in Nanxun from the age of 17. Later married to the second market, when the job was to sell things, and later opened a tailor shop. In the most prosperous time, Three people worked together and couldn't finish it. Later, after a big fire, many shops were closed, leaving only one of her.

Wow! The guest is here!

At the end of the visit, we met a guest who came to the aunt to make clothes. She brought a piece of cloth herself. Briefly explain the style she wants, and when she listens, she draws a design on paper. When she finishes, the design of the aunt is drawn.
The design was very detailed, every detail was very clear, and it was not sloppy. Then Aunt picked up the tape measure. The amount of the trick is measured on the guests, and I still don’t forget to say, "If you want to eat more, you will lose weight!" When the guests are ready to leave, We asked her, "Why come to the aunt to make clothes?" The guest said: "Because her skills are very good, she is also very dedicated!"

Summer cloth v.s winter cloth

I think Auntie is very powerful, because she is not only highly skilled in sewing, but also very familiar with cloth. Aunt said that she should wear hemp yarn in the summer. Wear wool in the winter, so it is warmer. If you want to make a coat, suit, suit jacket or suit, you can go to the jade girl, you will feel the deep human feeling!

The craftsmanship that is about to disappear?-Lai Ruixun

There are few stores left

In the second market facing the road, there is a special shop with a small storehouse and a sly aunt. I am using a traditional tailoring machine with a retro style, very skilled, although the old but special signs, This seemingly inconspicuous shop is the only one in the whole store, the Jade Girl Tailor Shop.
In the past, there was a big fire, so I moved away, but the aunt of the jade tailor shop wanted to say, There is still cloth left, and the tailor shop is ready to use, so I opened a jade tailor shop. (The name of the jade girl has no special meaning, just because it is better to remember)

Auntie, people come!

The aunt in the store is 78 years old and still continues to make clothes. She started studying in Nanxun from the age of 17, and later married to Taichung. She was selling other things. Later, I opened a store in the second market. From time to time, there will be old customers coming to her to make clothes. It happens that an aunt came in and came to find aunt to make clothes. The aunt took a piece of cloth in his hand and saw that she had finished drawing the picture with her aunt, and then began to measure the size. Also tell us that a 呎 equal to 30 cents is equal to 10 吋, and one 吋 is equal to 3 centimeters. This is the first time I have seen how hard it is to help others tailor a piece of clothing.

Disabled technology

There were a lot of clothes hanging on the wall of the store. The aunt said that it was to be sold, and it was to see what was popular at the time. Aunt also said that she is good at making clothes (like a suit) and tells us a lot of knowledge. It’s cooler in summer clothes like hemp yarns; winter clothes with wool materials will be warmer and more knowledgeable. Today we learn a lot. But unfortunately, Auntie said that she would not teach her family because it was too hard, but Auntie welcomes everyone to find her clothes!

MAMA YANG Standing meal

MAMA YANG Standing mealInterview question-林清如

Q1: Have you been selling snacks with your mother since childhood?
Q2: In the online book (in the fat food and food station), my mother is doing seafood wholesale business, and I am busy delivering fresh fish to Japanese restaurants. Why is the mother doing this?
Q3: What have you learned in the past few years? (How to sell things? Or how to attract guests?)
Q4: Have you experienced any interesting things in the past few years? (You are most impressed) (If you replied that there is nothing, just like this, just ask where you most like to sell things?)
Q5: Do you like to sell things with your mother in these years? Happy?
Q6: We listened to Yang’s mother last time and said that Washa’s smile is to let the guests feel the joy of enjoying the food in small details. In addition to digging the sand than smiling faces, what other small details of your business are hoped to convey happiness. What about consumers?
Q7: We found that Yang sister and sister took a lot of food photos on Facebook. Would you like to share with us the techniques of setting up the dishes and food shooting? How to market these products?

To the second market to chat! - The first store in the Japanese occupation period!

The most industrious selling fish shop! From the very beginning, I have the freshest fish! If you don't know where it is! Then I tell you! It’s all in the second market, Yang’s mother! The history of this shop was opened from the great-grandfather of Yang Lan! Every day, my great-grandfather would make 3 to 4 sandals and go to Taichung himself one night before going out to send the fish to the store. This is very tired! Then why do you have to do so many sandals yourself? That is because of it! After a long walk, the sandals will be damaged, so it is necessary to change the sandals from time to time! Moreover, from the generation of great-grandfather to the present (Yang Yang) has been the fourth generation! From Yang Dad, take over to Yang Mama! At that time, Yang’s mother’s food also received the logo of the government during the Japanese occupation period! It’s called “Pills and Fresh Fish!” The pill word itself has a circle outside. Is it cool? There is such a sign because at that time, Yang’s mother was the first to eat! At the beginning, Mama Yang is a cooking method that will teach everyone fresh fish! Everyone learns and stands up and becomes the "food" that everyone says!

Small luck in small details

I often go to Yang’s mother to eat and see some new creative dishes. Because Yang’s mother let Yang Hao eat and like it, she decided to add a new menu. New recipes! Among them, you will find that the small flag of the meal delivery also has cute little characters and extra small stickers! These are the ideas that Yang Lan thought! Sometimes children will give them a look at these hustle and bustle! That's right! I don't know if you have found a smile on the top of Wow Sami! I don't know if I saw it and laughed! Really happy and happy!

Professional designer of food models

Have you seen the website of Yang Mama Food on Instagram or Facebook? There are many photo videos there! It’s like a professional photo shoot in a fashion magazine. Guess who shot this? Haha! Are you right? It’s Yang Hao! She said that taking pictures is not just a direct shot! Instead, you can shoot with different angles or corners! You can present beautiful and beautiful photos! When sharing posts, You can also use some #井字号 to mark other related titles! This is also a marketing method! You can also try it!

Large families around the world!

What about Yang’s mother’s food? Once, everyone will come almost for the second time! Some customers are Hong Kong people, and some customers are from different places! And also up to 20 groups! And Yang’s intimacy can make the guests fall in love with this. On the same day, we also met a guest who came to Yang’s mother a few years ago. Because of the work, I didn’t come back to eat here! I saw him coming here to have a good time! When I want to leave, I still say goodbye to Yang’s mother, hehe! and also! Yang Lan also said! Someone once proposed marriage at the door of the store here! At that time, the two people gave birth to the baby after marriage and sent the moon cake to Yang mother to eat! So far, Mama Yang has received 50 cakes! Is it very special! Very Special!

Special time to get along!

Usually Yang Lan has to go to work! There are very few interactions with mom and dad! But working in Yang’s mother’s food makes them get along more and more! Yang Lan feels very happy! happy! However, it is very hard to get up early! Also learned to make your temper better! Because sometimes the elderly people can't hear clearly, they have to say many times, so let Yang Hao's temper become better! Although Yang Lan said that he did not want to inherit the family business, because he exceeded his instinct! But at least these days, their family can get along well!

Little surprise and the end

At the end of the final, Ms. Yang actually said that we would like to invite us to eat their restaurant! When I sent it to the table, the saliva dripped down! It’s just like a star shining! After eating my stomach, I really want to continue eating! So satisfied! The taste is really good! No! It is great! ! I am really happy to visit and have delicious food! I have to eat too!

My small family in the second market-賴睿勳

Maruichichi (also known as MAMA YANG) has an autobiography

Do you know what the fresh fish is in the current season? Have you heard that saury can be made into sashimi? Do you know how the seafood you eat at the restaurant comes from?

You can taste the freshest and most seasonal ingredients when you come to Yilan Pills (also known as Yang Ma Li Shi)! The source of the catch is transparent and safe, and in a modern era full of food safety crises is a store that you can safely consume.

You have heard that the owner of a restaurant is in the process of running a business. Every year, he collects moon cakes. When the store is busy, Guests who are understaffed will also volunteer to go to the store to help. In Yang’s shop, the relationship between the guest and Yang’s mother is like a family. You must be very curious why?

In fact, the predecessor of the establishment of food is Yang Xiuzhong fresh fish line, from the great-grandfather began to add Yang's daughter (sister Yang's sister) has been four generations. My great-grandfather had five brothers and sisters to raise. Every day, with 3-4 pairs of grass shoes, Changhua Line West, walked to Taichung to sell fish, and later was taken over by Yang Dad (fish wholesale), and Yang Mama was originally a special teacher. However, it is felt that the work of the family should continue to be passed down. In 2006, Maruichichi (also known as Yang Mama Food) began to operate. In fact, at the beginning of the morning, it was mainly based on selling fresh fish. After the afternoon harvest, Ms. Yang will teach her customers some seasonal fresh fish dishes at the booth. At that time, everyone stood and watched the school, and they ate directly after cooking. Therefore, it is said that it is "living food." Maruichichi (also known as Yang Mama Food), "○" is a trademark given during the Japanese occupation period. The word "one" is because it is the first one here. Listening to Yang’s mother’s history of ancestors’ life, the first generation of the past generations captured fresh fish from Changhua every morning, and then walked to the second market for sale (the second market was not established). Every morning at three in the morning, I have to make three pairs of sandals before going to bed the night before. You must be very curious. Why do you have to make three pairs of sandals? Because you walked to Taichung, the first pair of shoes may be worn out. Change another pair and have a pair as a preparation. From these stories, you can know that the former people will not complain if they are working hard to support their families.

Guests, family?

When it comes to cooking, the ingredients in Maruichichi (also known as Yang's mother's food) are sparkling, and look like crystal clear jewels, showing a different taste from the market. Ms. Yang said that the thoughts of many dishes in the store are actually designed for the daughter. These foods are what I usually do for him. I will cook what my daughter eats. I also share the same with my guests. I think it’s very rare to treat the guests like the spirit of the family. It’s no wonder that so many old customers work no matter where they are. When you return to Taichung, you will definitely come to a pill for a meal (also known as Yang Mama Food). Ms. Yang, who is doing business in the second market, has so far received more than 50 moon cakes. There are many customers here who have been dating, getting married, and having children, all of which are completed under the testimony of Maruichichi (also known as Yang’s mother). You can imagine, The object of the moon gift box will be presented. It must be a very close friend or family member, and Ms. Yang is like a mother of all customers, and finds a warm taste from the food.

Half of the guests who come to Pill Yili Food (also known as Yang Mama Food) are regular customers, half are foreigners, and half of the foreigners are Hong Kong people. Sister Yang Lan went abroad to study since she was a child. She rarely has time to spend with her parents. Now even if I have my own work, if you are lucky, When Yang Hao didn't work, she was almost in the store. She liked and enjoyed the moment with her parents.

If you say that the biggest sense of accomplishment in running this store is, it is a sense of accomplishment if you hear the guests say that they are delicious, or if they try to eat something they would not dare to eat and become like it.

Common fish are seasons, all seasons. Maruichichi (also known as Yang Ma Li Shi) will launch different seafood creative dishes every season. Yang Lan will talk about the seasonal cooking po on the Facebook of Maruichichi (also known as Yang Ma Li Shi). When it comes to the marketing of social media, Yang Lan also shared a lot of experience with us. For example, the same foods are shot at different angles, and of course the food is not placed in the middle. These jewel-like seafood dishes have become beautiful accessories under her skillful hand, so people can see it!

Unintentional happiness

Finally, I want to share with you a place I think is the most interesting. There is a green smile on the plate of Maruichichi (also known as Yang Mama Food). Wow! It’s a wow sami in the shape of a smile. People can’t help but be happy. The food is also marked with a flag of a pill, also known as Yang’s mother. These insignificant moves can always make people happy, but which stores will spend time on such small details? Although it is only a small snack that can do this, it is not easy.

Hongren noodles

Special Report - Hongren Noodle-歐景媗

The mystery of the noodle

This morning, we followed the teacher to the second market and prepared to visit the noodle factory. When we arrived, when the teacher was buying a face with the boss, We learned from the boss's mother that the face of the big noodle is wider because of the addition of alkali, and must be frozen, or it will be alkali. The proprietress said that in order to let us have a deeper understanding, we invited us to follow the noodle chef to the noodle factory to find out!

Buildings without nails

The noodle chef, surnamed Cai, we all call him Cai Shushu. From his mouth, we know that their family’s industry started from the Japanese rule. It is now the third generation. And the house is also the building that existed during the Japanese occupation, all of which are card, no nails!

Learn of the face

When we asked how the dough was done, the uncle also told us without hesitation. He said that the most important thing about making noodles is moisture, humidity, mixing time, and the mixing time is the most important. If the mixing time is too long, the protein will disappear; too short materials will not fuse together.

And the difference in the face is only the difference of the cutting knife in the last cutting step. The wider cutting blade also cuts out the wider surface: the thinner cutting blade is also thinner. But the material and the manufacturing process are rough. It’s the same.

The freshest noodles

Regarding the operation of the noodle factory, my uncle told us that in order to supply the freshest noodles of the guests, I got up at 4 o'clock every morning and started to make noodles. It takes about 5 people to work together. It started selling at about 8-9, and it was also the time when the crowd was the most crowded. Usually, the vendors who bought the noodles were fixed vendors, and there were some FITs, so the amount of production per day was almost the same. Buy it quickly!< Br>
The opposite of the attachment

I feel that the boss is very persistent in the spirit of making faces, because he insists on not adding a little preservative, and supplies the freshest noodles to the guests every day. The hottest ones here are fine noodles, oily noodles, and sunny spring noodles. If you have time, please come and try!

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