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Room 101 Relics Pictures
Room 101 Relics Pictures
In this room, you can see the old streetof Lu-Kang town and pictures in the past.101室文載照片
Room 102 Service Center
Room 102 Service Center

In this room, you can see the introduction of the museum, and the rules to obey here.102室服務中心
Room 103 The clothes and the Decorations
Room 103 The clothes and the Decorations

In this room, you can see the introduction of the clothes and decorations in the Qing Dynasty.103室服裝佩飾
Room 104 Musical Instruments
Room 104 Musical Instruments

In this room, you can see many instruments and dramas introduction in the museum, and their social functions to act.104室戲曲樂器
Room 105 Ancestral Hall of Gu-Family
Room 105 Ancestral Hall of Gu-Family

In this room, you can see the ancestral hall of the Gu family, the furniture and the decorations in the Qing Dynasty.105室辜氏祠堂
Room 106 Folk Customs
Room 106 Folk Customs

In this room, you can see the Especial Exihibition which will be changed according to the topic, the time and the location.106室宗教禮
Room 201 Mr.Gu’s Bedroom
Room 201 Mr.Gu’s Bedroom

In this room, you can see the valuable furniture of precious material and other pretty and delicate decorations.201室辜氏臥房
Room 202 Meeting Room
Room 202 Meeting Room

In this room, you can see the valuable but simple furniture of precious material and the smart meeting table..202室會議廳堂
Room 203 Ladies Bedroom
Room 203 Ladies Bedroom

In this room, you can see the introduction of the pretty decorations for the Chinese ladies in the Qing Dynasty, especially the Red Sleeping Bed.203室仕女閏房
Room 204 House Dinning Utensils
Room 204 House Dinning Utensils

In this room, you can see the delicate, luxury and beautiful household utensils of the rich family in the Qing Dynasty.204室餐飲器皿
Room 205 The Dinning Room
Room 205 The Dinning Room

In this room, you can see the delicate, luxury and beautiful furniture with nice sculpture of the rich family in the Qing Dynasty.205室齋堂
Room 206 The Writing and Painting Literature
Room 206 The Writing and Painting Literature

In this room, you can see the unique exihibition of the valuable historucal relics in the Qing Dynasty.206室書畫文獻

In order to feedback the local people of Lu-Kang, Fu Qin and Shiu Shi, they can enjoy the half price of the ticket.
Opening Time: 9:00 A.M. ~5:00 P.M.
Rest Day: Every Monday
With the ticket, you can rent the bike for free.
Rules to obey:  in the exihibting rooms---

  1. Don’t take pictures.
  2. Don’t eat and drink .
  3. Don’t bring the pets.

TEL of the museum: 04-7772019

In the front of the drug store, there were many farming utensils lying on the left side of the room which could show the real view of the traditional society of Chinese agriculture villages. On the right side of the store, there were many medical utensils and other valuable historical relics donated by the Dr. Die Sheng Mou. How great they were!

  • The view of the Drug Store
  • Dr. Die Sheng-Mou
  • The Traditional  Village
  • The Utensils of farming
  • 24 solar terms
The Whole View








Dr. Dei Sheng Mau

Dr. Dei Sheng Mau was born in 1913 and his father died early as he was little. Not only that the economy of his family was very poor, but also he was seriously sick at that time. Therefore, he went to public school at the age of nine. Thanks to the God, he was very smart, and he studied very hard to succeed in the test. He finally entered the Tai-Chon First High School. After he graduated from the school, he got the chance to go to the Shon Ben University of Japan for higher and deeper study. He was good at the study and the research of the Chinese Herbs.
In 1939, Dr.Dei Sheng Mau couple moved to Lu-Kang, and he set the Ho Sheng Drug Store as well. The drug store had both the Chinese Herbs department and the West Medicine Department. In 1954, Dr.Dei Sheng Mau passed the test of the Doctor, therefore, he set the Ho Sheng Clinic. In 1961, the clinic was moved to the locasion of the market in Lu-Kang. The wife of the doctor was a nurse, she worked together with his husband to cure and help the people in Lu-Kang, and the couple were highly honored and thanked by all the local people of Lu-Kang.
Dr.Dei Sheng Mau was dead three years late of the passing away of his wife. The Ho Sheng Clinic and the Drug store were both quitted after their death.  Anyway, the Ho Sheng Clinic and the Drug store record not only the procedure of progress of the medical installations, but also the developing history of the traditional Chinese and the west medical treatment. Besides, most of his descendants were also excellent in various domains of work. 

All of the historical relics of the the Ho Sheng Clinic and the Drug store were dornated by the descendants of the Dr.Dei Sheng. All of the utensils were well preserved in the museum.












The Traditional Chinese Agriculture Society

In the traditional Chinese farming society, people were the master of the nation and people take the food as the God of sky. The ancestors were born on the land, lived on the land and died and buried in the land. The cycles of spring plowing, summer cultivating, autumn harvest and store in the winter were just year after year, repeat again and again.

During the cultivating season, all the farmers were so busy plowing in the field. They were always worried that if there was enough water, if the rice shoots were growing healthful, if there was too much water. They worked so hard and dared not to talk about the tired body or take a break. All they wanted were to have a nice harvest in the summer and winter.

In the harvest season in the farming society, there were so many teams of the cow cars in order to carry the upland [paddy] rice.

From the traditional farming utensils in Chinese, we could see and understand the whole procedure of the farming life in the village, and the tools they used to cultivate. Nowadays, the plowing cows have been replaced by the farming machines and the work of harvest was done by the machine, too. Most of the farming tools became the historical relics and were stored and preserved well in the museum. We should honor the spirit of farmer for their hardworking and being able to endure hard work.
























The Farming Tools
Cow Vehicles
Cow Vehicle was an important member in the farming family in China. They could help the farmers to plow and carry heavy goods, especially the paddy rice.
Fan Drum

This king of farming tool was to help the farmers to take away the trash of the rice to clean the rice before been stored in the bag. Nowadays, the fan drum was already replaced by the modern machines.

The Grass Harrow
This king of farming tool was to help the farmers to take away the grass in the paddy rice field to help the paddy to grow better.
The Centipede Harrow

This king of farming tool was to help the farmers to take away the grass in the paddy rice field and plow well to help the paddy to grow better.

Mu Du

This king of farming tool was to help the farmers to smooth the ground in the paddy rice field and plow well to help the paddy to grow better.

Dragon Bone Car
This king of farming tool was to help the farmers to direct the waster to flow easily to the paddy rice field and plow well to help the paddy to grow better.
Fon Nan Car

This king of farming tool was to help the farmers to take away the grass in the paddy rice field and plow well to help the paddy to grow better.

The Tortoise Shell
This king of farming tool was to help the farmers to stay dry and away from the rain in the paddy rice field.
24 Lunar Teams(English)


Lunar Calendar


Li Chun

Zhen Yu Festival

 Enter the spring

Yu Shei

Middle January

 Rains increase

Zhin Zi

February Festival 

 the first thunder of the spring

Chun Fan

 Middle February 

 Day and night are even long

Chin Ming

March Festival

 Getting warmer

Gu Yu

Midlde March

 Rains increase

Li Sha

April Festival

 Enter the summer

Shau Man

Middle April

 time to form seeds

Mon Zon

May Festival

 Wheat-harvest / Peddy rice -plant

 Sha Zi

Middle may

 the longest of the day time

Shau Su

June Festival

 getting hotter

Da Su  

Middle June

 getting hot and sealed

Li Chu

July Festival

 enter the autumn

Zu Su

Middle July

 getting cooler

Pa Lu

August Festival

 cool to have the dew

Chiu Fan

Middle August

 Day and night are even long

Han Lu

September Festival

 getting colder

Shon Jian

middle September

 getting colder to have frost

Li Don

October Festival

 Enter the winter

Shau Shai

Middle October

 Begin to snow

Da Shai

November Festival

 Heavy snowing

Don Zi

Middle November

 The longest night time

Shau Han

December Festival

 It’s cold

Tai Han

Middle Novemver

 It’s terribly cold

There was an old Taiwanese saying talking about the terms, 『There were no any principles for farming, but obeying the 24 lunar terms』.
24 Lunar Teams(Chinese)

 節    氣

  農             曆

   意                    義

 立    春



 雨    水



 驚    蟄



 春    分



 清    明



 穀    雨



 立    夏



 小    滿



 芒    種



 夏    至



 小    暑



  大    暑  



立    秋



處    暑



白    露



秋    分



寒    露



霜    降



立    冬



小    雪



大    雪



冬    至



小    寒



大    寒



台灣俗諺云:「做田無定例   全攏靠”節氣“」。