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  Delicacies   Cooking

            Through the results of questionnaires,we found most people buying groceries for cooking. In order to understand practical ways of cooking,teachers ask us to look for recipes about groceries and learn to cook.We totally prepare four dishes,Rice Cooked With Segestid Shrimp,Steam Egg In Tea Cup and Black Mushroom Chicken Soup.We will share these dishes with classmates in the final presentation.




Rice Cooked With Segestid Shrimp


       4 cups of rice, 125g segestid Shrimps, 7.5 cups of soya beans, appropriate black fungus, 6 cups of water, appropriate salt, and 25cm sea-tangles.


How to do

1.Put sea-tangles into two cusp of rice and soak in water for 30 minutes.

2.Wash rice and soak in water for 15 minutes,then drain water.

3.Put all rice into the electric pot,and pour the sea-tangles. Heat water with big fire till boiling and you can take sea-tangles out.

4.Put into soya beans, black fungus and egestid Shrimps into the electric pot.

5.Cover the pot and cook with big fire for two minutes,then turn into little fire for 8-10 minutes and you can close. Stew it for 15 minutes.

6.Open the electric pot,and stir rice from bottom to top.Put Salt and taste the flavor.

          Ingredients of Rice Cooked With Segestid Shrimp





Put soya beans and segestid shrimps in the pot

Flip rice when it’s cooked,and add black fungus


Steam Egg In Tea Cup


        1500ml broth,10 eggs, 1.25 teaspoon of salt, 275g chickens,25 fish patty or seaweed,20 slices of carrot, and appropriate green onions.



How to do

1.Chop chickens into dice and slices of fish patty or seaweed. Chop carrot into slices and appropriate green onions.

2.Mix broth,eggs and sailt. Stir eggs and strain it with a sieve.

3.Put dices of chicken and fish patty in bottom of the bowl.You can keep some ingredients for decorations.

4.Pour eggd into the tea cup till 90% full of soup

Chop ingredients into cube




5.Put the tea cup on the electric pot,and add 1.5 cups of water in the electric pot.

6.Steam it for 10 minutes and insert it with stick.Make sure it is cooked.

7.Put the ingredients we keep on the tea cup and pour leaved eggs into the cup.Keep steamimg for10 minutes.



Strain eggs



Mushroom Chicken Soup


        30 mushrooms,1 chicken,little salt and sugar, little peppers,4 slices of ginger.

How to do

1.Remove the peel of ginger and chop it into slices.


Take a photo with ingredients before cooking

2.Clean mushrooms and soak in hot water,and keep that water. That water can add in it for more delicious.

3.Blanch a chicken with hot water in order to clear blood-water.

4.Put chicken,ginger and mushrooms in the inside pot and add appropriate water.

5.Add two cups of water outside the pot and close its cover. Open the switch to cook.

6.When the switch is up,add salt,little salt and little peppers.



Blanch chickens first

        Put Mushroom Chicken Soup in the electric pot and cook

