Prevention apple snails Commandos

capture materials and tools

Production of apple snails trap event photos

Production of apple snails trap event photos

Be placed apple snails trap event photos

Be placed apple snails trap event photos

Regular income trap, statistical outcomes except snails

Floating Island Ecosystems

Making use of bamboo floating island

Division of labor produce artificial floating island

Division of labor produce artificial floating island

Prepare planting potted aquatic plants

Potted plants together excavators

Hands with everyone ecological transformation of the school pool

Teamwork island floating aquatic plants arranged together

The arrangement of good ecological floating island into the pool

Eco-pool exploration

Understanding of aquatic plants

emerged plants -- lotus

emerged plants -- Light green foxtail

emerged plants -- Coin Grass



floating-leaved--Yellow Water Lily

floating-leaved--Water Lily

floating-leaved--Water Poppy

submerged plants--Ceratophyllum demersum L.

After Dark Aquatic Pool Exploration

Invite public television reporter Miss Lin Yanru filming techniques to guide students

Invite public television reporter Mr. Chen Zhichang guidance photographic equipment operation skills of students

Teachers and students to explore the nocturnal activities of the ecological

Teachers and students to explore the nocturnal activities of the ecological

Aquatic plants dye

Cleaning and treatment materials

Cleaning and treatment materials

Work together to deal with the materials used in dyeing

Liu Huijun teacher introduced the method of making vegetable dyes

Started dyeing

Efforts of the day, finally completed work

Completion of works

Completion of works

Web site production

Use mind maps to discuss the contents of the study

Groups work together to complete the task

We carefully make a Web content

After we determine the contents posed for pictures

We earnestly study prepared flourish

Limin instructor we use web page source editor

Web content division completed

Learning skills to create web pages

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