• ※101.12.08 成果發表─戰中山,老師與學員合影。上妝後的我們很有架勢喔!
  • ※塗著厚厚的粉、穿上層層的戲服,頂著大太陽,真是難受!但我們必須忍著燥熱,因為我們肩負著傳承的責任。
  • ※當天現場觀眾約有2000人,看到如此多人,我們將平時的緊張、不安化為自信,勇敢的走上舞台,完整演出,獲得熱烈的掌聲。
  • ※惡劣的練習場地,一直是我們嘗試克服的重要課題──頂著大太陽,反覆練習,有人中暑,緊急送醫;有人跌倒受傷,大家互助,幸無大礙。 ※與社區媽媽共用社區中心,廟裡有活動時,老師為了我們的安全,就得撤到對面的停車場練習,雖是克難的學習場地,但我們依然起勁的練習。
  • ※陳老師帶領我們謝幕,獲得的是老師的肯定與大家的讚賞,我們知道今天的汗水沒有白流,同時也讓更多家鄉的人知道高甲戲,這是傳承最具意義的一刻。

Gaojia drama with me

 By chance , Quanzhou Shenkang rural village renowned for its Gaojia drama birthplace , seniors and some local research on musical instruments , some singing tradition , making the traditional opera let students have the opportunity to undertake Shenkang plus Changhua County Cultural Affairs turned to a Gaojia drama instructor : Mr Chan Ji teacher , came Shenkang a troupe of Gaojia Quanzhou community guidance , our students have the opportunity to learn cognitive Gaojia drama , from the beginning to the depth of curiosity , we first learn under the guidance of teachers basic pace Lianqiang , brandish , and then stand on the stage and the community together to complete a mom drama performances, in continuous learning process, Chen expected to give more this year, not only figure performances, and more on the song ( Cantata ) , Branch ( action ) , white ( plainly ) , complete theatrical presentation , which is a breakthrough in our growth , but also to learn the best affirmation .
 Every Saturday spare time , we are the temple of the iceberg, in the corner of the school , followed by Chen 's guidance, the teacher's guidance is often unpredictable , no action is static, learning many times later, we found that : everything a " living " needs its own flexibility , no wonder we know teachers often have to " improvise " in this learning process , and finally realized the teacher used to say : "The observation of nature are contented ," transmission of knowledge is the need of their own lives accumulated experience ah ! Such learning outcomes so that we always want to fight for the opportunity to service activities ( Farmers performances ) at the local level , in the important events of the school (the Games ) , important activities ( Cultural Affairs event invitation ) in Changhua City area , are visible we figure, since we are a group of Gaojia drama tradition of caring people , the purpose is to let more people know what is Gaojiadrama , let 's traditional drama could have been endless.







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